Chapter Eight (Sabrina McCall)

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First period went by quick and soon the next few classes didn’t seem so bad after all. Before I knew it, it was lunch time.

“Hey babe,” Jackson called from down the hall. I turned around and smiled at him. Lydia and Jackson stopped at my locker. I finished putting my books from periods first through fourth into the locker and grabbed my other class ones for the next periods.

“Ready to go eat?” Lydia asked, rubbing Jackson’s back affectionately. I grinned at how cute they were and then mentally grimaced. I wish Stiles would do that to me but I think I might have already screwed that up before it even was possible for any kind of relationship.

“Hello? Sabrina? Can we go eat now?” Jackson questioned, staring at me funny.

“Oh yeah! Sorry. Just thinking about something but it’s not important,” I said, faking a smile for them. Jackson shrugged and brought Lydia to him and kissed her lips. She giggled and smiled up at him. They looked to me and smiled. We then left to go eat in the cafeteria. I walked to our usual table and sat down while Jackson and Lydia got in line. I didn’t feel very hungry at the moment but when Jackson and Lydia came back, I would go grab an apple to eat. Looking around the cafeteria, I looked at the many faces of the people in the enormous cafeteria. I stopped at one face in particular and decided to get up. I walked over to the girl and smiled when she noticed me, smiling back. She handed the cashier a roll of coins and waited for her to open them. The cashier unraveled the package but the coins fell to the floor.

“Oops! I’m so sorry,” the cashier sheepishly spoke, embarrassed at her mistake. I bent down just as the girl, Allison, did the same. I helped her pick up the coins and handed them to the cashier. She thanked me and got back to her cash register to take money from the other kids. I held out my hand to Allison grinned at her.

“Hi! I’m Sabrina, Sabrina McCall,” I greeted. She shook my hand and smiled politely at me.

“I’m Allison,” she replied. She looked around the cafeteria, I guess looking for a placed to sit. I noticed this and turned to face her.

“Come sit with me and my friends,” I offered. She smiled graciously at me.


“My friend Lydia-” and as if on cue, swooped in and smiled at Allison. I knew what that smile meant…she used that same smile on me when we first met.

“That jacket is absolutely killer. Where did you get it?” Lydia grinned politely at her, a twinkle in her eye.

“My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco,” Allison replied, looking sheepish.

“You’re sitting with me,” Lydia announced, grabbing Allison by the arm and taking her to our table. Jackson motioned for Lydia to sit in his lap but she blew him off, too into the conversation her and Allison were having. He looked taken aback slightly but tried to play it off like it was no big deal. I sat next to him and began to eat the apple on Jackson’s plate.

“Hey!” he protested. I grinned with apple pieces in my mouth, on display to the world.

“Ewww,” Lydia squealed. Allison giggled and Jackson laughed, then snorted at the expression on Lydia’s face.

“Come on Lydia, she was just having some fun. Don’t be so uptight,” Jackson said. She rolled her eyes.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes in return and continued to munch on my apple. I turned to Allison and swallowed the pieces in my mouth.

“So Allison, tell me about you,” I said, smiling kindly at her. She smiled in return and began to tell us some stuff about her. During the conversation, I turned to Scott and Stiles table to see them whispering to each other and talking to another girl, pointing at Allison. Stiles noticed me staring and stopped, smiled, and waved to me. Anger boiled inside of me.

“Ugh, why is that loser waving at you?” Lydia asked me.

“I don’t know but he sure is stupid,” I said. When Lydia turned back to face Allison and Jackson, I flicked him off. Scott looked disapprovingly at me and shook his head. I ignored him, knowing I would get an earful when I got home but at this moment I didn’t care.

“So you coming Sabrina?” Jackson asked. Crap, I wasn’t paying attention to what he said. I decided to play it off.

“You know it,” I said. Allison grinned, knowing I hadn’t heard a word Jackson said. The bell rang and I hurriedly finished up my apple.

“Got to go loves but I’ll see you all later,” Lydia said, hugging Allison and I and walking out of the cafeteria with Jackson, hand in hand. Allison turned to me.

“So,” I said, sheepishly rubbing my neck. She chuckled at me.

“Jackson was talking about a party he’s having,” Allison informed me.

“Oh! Cool. I would go anyways. Are you gonna go?” I asked. She frowned.

“No. It’s family night so yeah.”

“Too bad. It would have been nice having someone there to hang out with.” She smiled kindly at me. The warning bell to get to class rang and I began to panic. I had never in my life been late to a class.

“Sorry Allison but I have to go! Biology awaits.”

“Oh wait Sabrina! I have that too. Quick, let’s walk together.” I smiled really wide at her.

“Sure. Come on. I know a shortcut.” I grabbed her hand and we ran, giggling the whole way to class. It sure was nice to have a care free friend like her. I think this was a start to a great friendship.

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