Chapter Nineteen (Derek Hale)

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I watched as the new werewolf danced with a girl. I could feel his heart pounding, normal at the moment but when the moon rose higher in the sky at its peak, he would have an insane urge to kill her. My ears perked when his heartbeat started to pump even faster. He pulled the girl closer to him and stared into her eyes intently, probably fighting the urge to transform. She didn’t think anything of the action, too caught up in him entirely. I caught her heartbeat and it was beating fast, excited at the thought of this boy wanting her but not in the way she was thinking. She was exciting him, almost making him spill over the edge. In a flash, the boy’s eyes changed to an amber color and in the blink of an eye, he closed them, preventing her from seeing them.

“Scott, are you okay?” she asked. At this point, he was clutching his head in agony. He backed away from her and took off into the crowd of hormonal teenagers. The girl stood there stunned for a moment before she took off after him. I sighed. Here I go about to clean up his mess. I made it to the front door of the house and watched as the boy took off in a car, leaving the girl staring after him in shock that he would actually leave his date stranded.

“Excuse me,” I called to the girl. She turned around to face me and looked surprised that someone hadn’t noticed her. “I just happened to notice that your date took off-”

“Yes he did,” she said bitterly.

“Do you need a ride?” She looked at me skeptically. “I promise I’m not some crazy person or anything. I’m just trying to be a good guy and help a damsel in distress.” She smiled kindly at me and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a Jeep pull out of the driveway and speed after the car that was long gone.

“Sure. Thank you.”

“No problem.” I showed her to my car and opened the door for her. She got in and I closed it after her. I got into the driver’s seat and started it, pulling out of the driveway. I turned the heat on for her, seeing as she was shivering.

“You’ll take a left on Magnolia Drive and then a right on Williford Street. My house is the big one with the-”

“That one?” I asked her, smelling an odd aroma coming from the house. It smelled faintly of…

“Yes. Thank you for the ride. It was nice meeting you.” She got out of the car and as soon as she was in the house, I sped out of the neighborhood as fast as I could. I looked over to the passenger seat and saw a small jacket resting in the place the girl had been sitting in. I picked it up, not taking my eyes off the road and sniffed it. My suspicions had been correct. This girl was a hunter but a young one so she had no suspicions about me. A plan formed in my head and I grinned to myself. I pulled over and parked. Without hesitation, I entered the woods and hung the jacket on a tree. There was no way Scott wasn’t going to come after me if he thought I had his precious “girlfriend”.

*A/N: So sorry for the REALLY late update :( I feel really bad about keeping y'all from an update and then this not so good chapter. My editor went temporarily MIA but do NOT blame her please. She has a hectic schedule and didn't have time to get this back to me but now she's back! :D Yay! 

Next Update: Sunday, September 30, 2012 (This time it's a Sunday because I have homecoming on Saturday :D It's quite exciting!)

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