Chapter Three (Sabrina McCall)

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Stiles’ beat-up Jeep skidded to an immediate halt at the Beacon Hills Preserve. Stiles gets out of the Jeep with a flashlight in hand and soon Scott follows. They leave me in the Jeep and begin walking when, rolling my eyes for forgetting me, I attempt to catch up to them.

“Are we seriously doing this?” Scott asked.

“Quit whining little brother,” I teased him. He hates when I call him little brother because even though he is slightly taller than me, I’m five minutes older than him.

“Yeah Scott. You’re the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town. Besides, it’s our last night of summer freedom,” Stiles retorted.

“I was trying to get a good night’s sleep for practice tomorrow.”

“Right, because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort,” I smirked. Scott rolled his eyes as I high fived Stiles.

“No, because I’m playing this year. In fact, I’m going to make starting line-up.”

“That’s the spirit. Everyone should have a dream. Even a pathetically unrealistic one,” Stiles said.

“Just out of curiosity,” I began to ask, “which half of the body are we looking for?” Stiles and Scott looked at each other.

“Huh. I didn’t even think about that,” Stiles pondered.

“And what if whoever killed the girl is still out here?” I asked again.

“Also something I didn’t think about.”

“Comforting to know you’ve planned this out with your usual attention to detail,” Scott complained. I was there with him though. It was late and I had to get ready for school tomorrow. Lydia was going to pick me up in the morning and then we were going to go make a Starbuck’s run before we headed off for school. Scott and Stiles have always wondered why I hang out with Lydia and Jackson but the truth is, and even though I love my brother and Stiles, they were always getting into trouble and I loved to accompany them sometimes, but I needed some space from them. Scott and Stiles were inseparable; they hung out 24/7 and it was fun and all but again, I’m a girl and I needed my space every now and then. We began our trek up the paths and Stiles flashed the light on the forest floor, aiming on finding the body. I heard a faint wheezing and looked to Scott.

“Bro, you okay?” I asked him. He nodded his head and looked to a worried Stiles.

“Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight,” Scott wheezed. Before Stiles could hand him the flashlight, I pointed in the direction in front of us.

“Guys look,” I said. Yellow police tape marks off a perimeter under big floodlights. Grinning, Stiles looks at Scott who in return can’t help but smile back. We freeze at the sound of a zipper being pulled up on a body bag. We momentarily make out two bare feet before it’s zipped up and put into the awaiting medical examiner’s van.

“Is that the second half of the body?” Scott ask.

“No. They would have called off the search. Come on,” Stiles says and grabs my hand. I blush and look down. Yes, I have a crush on my brother’s best friend. Lydia would kill me if she knew. She’s already not too fond of my friendship with him and my brother (that being dumb because I’m related to him and have to live with him all the time). Lydia was my best friend and I didn’t want to lose her so I kind of just followed her. She wasn’t mean to me because I was part of her little “group” but anybody else that was outside of it, she treated them like crap. He pulls me away from the perimeter and Scott soon follows after us. Stiles pulls me over a hill and then pauses. Below us, flashlights are beaming the shadows, searching ahead of them. Stiles being the person he is, unable to stand still, races forward along with me still in tow.

“Stiles, wait up!” Scott hollered at him. For trying to be sneaky, they were sucking really bad. I turned back to hear more wheezing coming from Scott. He slows down and inhales a puff. That would be the last time I saw him for this night. Stiles and I disappeared over a hill. Stiles stops and realizes we left Scott behind. We hear a bark and spin around. A German Shepherd’s teeth narrowly miss biting into Stiles’ flesh. He releases my hand, staggers, and falls onto his butt. The German Shepherd is yanked back on its leash by its handler before inflicting collateral damage on Stiles.

“Stay right there!” he orders Stiles and I. I stop and bend down to the dog, instantly recognizing him.

“Hi Bernie,” I coo to the dog. He rolls over onto his back to allow me to rub his belly. I smile sheepishly at the officer who has his leash. He can’t help but smile back at me. Nobody could resist my innocence.

“Hold on, hold on. This little delinquent belongs to me,” a voice I recognize orders. Mr. Stilinski comes around the other officer and glares at Stiles. Stile then looks up in defeat at him. Mr. Stilinski then notices me and his frown deepens.

“And Sabrina McCall?”

“Hi Mr. Stilinski,” I greet him. He can’t help but smile at me. He loves me like I’m the daughter he never got. He turns back to Stiles and gives him the glare, placing his hands on his hips.

“Do you listen in on all of my phone calls?”

“No…not the boring ones.” I roll my eyes at Stiles. Always getting into trouble with his father.

“And where’s your usual partner in crime?”

“Who? Scott? Scott’s home. Said he wanted to get a good night’s sleep for the first day back at school.” Mr. Stilinski turns away from Stiles and I.

“Scott? You out there?” There’s no reply. I hope he wouldn’t get caught but at the same time, I feel a slight bit of anger at him for not getting caught. I wouldn’t have gotten caught if it weren’t for Stiles.

“Alright young man, I’m taking you and Sabrina back to your car and we’re going to discuss a little something called invasion of privacy.” I snickered a little. Mr. Stilinski escorts Stiles and I away and back to Stiles beat-up Jeep.

“Please, go home you two. It’s not safe out here and I would hate to see you guys get hurt,” Mr. Stilinski pleaded with us.

“I’ll make sure Stiles stays on task Mr. Stilinski,” I sweetly said.

“Thank you Sabrina.” He patted my shoulder and leaned to whisper in my ear.

“Out of the three of you kids, you’re my favorite.” I chuckled and hugged him. He left to try and wrap up the case of the missing body, leaving us alone by Stiles' crap excuse of a car.

“Sabrina, I’m sorry,” Stiles said.

“Please. Just save it Stiles. Now my little brother is out there by himself,” I said. I wanted to cry. What if whatever killed that girl kills Scott? I felt arms wrap around my waist and looked up into Stiles eyes, illuminated by the full moon’s light.

“I really am sorry but we both know Scott’s a strong guy. He’ll make it.”

“You promise?” He grinned down at me.

“Cross my heart and hope to die-”

“Pinky promise or be denied,” I finished. He squeezed me tighter and pulled away.

“Now come on and let’s get home. We have school early in the morning.”

“Yeah and Lydia will kill me if I’m late on waking up.” Stiles smirked at me.

“Lydia’s so hot,” Stiles announced. I rolled my eyes, feeling a little jealous that he liked her. I pointed to his open mouth.

“I think you have a little saliva there pooling out,” I giggled. He rubbed at his mouth in a furious manner.

“Come on Miss Prissy Princess.” I rolled my eyes and got into the Jeep. I leaned my head against the window and looked out at the full moon.

“Please be okay Scott,” I whispered to myself.

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