Chapter Two (Scott McCall)

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I threaded the laces for the net of my lacrosse stick , smiling the whole time. I was determined this year to make the lacrosse team. More hopefully, to make first string. Once I finished, I stood up from my bed and scooped up a ball. I spun the stick around and grinned at my handiwork. I threw the stick aside and mounted the bar attached to my bathroom doorway. I did a couple of chin-ups to build up my muscles because I knew that you had to be fit to be on the lacrosse team. I quickly finished and went to brush my teeth. I shivered and looked at my open window, going over to it and beginning to close it when I hear a sound. I stop and listen more. There’s a strange rustling sound. I throw my toothbrush in my sink and pad into the hallway. I check Mom’s room and see that she’s passed out on top of her sheets, still in her work uniform. I close her door and continue down the hallway, picking up a baseball bat on the way.

“Scott, what are you doing?” Sabrina, my twin sister ask, popping her head out of her room. I put a finger to my lips.

“I hear something outside. I’m gonna go take a look,” I inform her. She steps out of her room and takes my hand.

“Not by yourself,” she replies.

“You’re so stubborn.”

“What are you talking about? You’re just as stubborn.”

“Fine Sabrina.” She smirked at me and I led her down the hallway to the porch. She slides the glass door to the porch open and we step out onto the porch, both barefoot and shivering. Me, I’m wearing nothing but some basketball shorts and Sabrina in only a pair of short shorts and a green spaghetti tank top. I hear the noise again and we stop dead in our tracks. Another rustling sound and then a snap. A figure comes hurtling at us at a fast speed and Sabrina and I both scream. I’m about to swing the bat when Sabrina’s quick-like reflexes capture the bat in her own hands and stops me.

“It’s just Stiles,” she says, holding her chest. Stiles smiles sheepishly at us as he dangles from the porch roof upside down.

“Stiles, what the hell are you doing?” I shout at him.

“Neither of you were answering your phones,” he replies.

“Gee, I wonder why? It’s like ten at night and we have school in the morning,” Sabrina sarcastically retorts.

“I know it’s late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called. They’re bringing in every officer from the Beacon department and even State Police.”

“For what?” I ask.

“Two joggers found a body in the woods.”

“A dead body?”

“No, a body of water. Yes, dumbass, a dead body.”

“Stiles,” Sabrina warned. She hated hearing Stiles and I swear and we tried to keep it to a minimum when she was around but when Stiles and I would insult each other playfully, there was no guarantee it would be clean.

“Let me help you down Stiles,” Sabrina offered him. Stiles blushed and let Sabrina help him out. I grinned at him, knowing he’s had a crush on my sister for a long time now. He tries to hide it with pretending to like Lydia since Sabrina is best friends with her. I didn’t mind that she was friends with Lydia as long as she didn’t stoop to her level. What I wasn’t so okay with was Stiles liking my sister but I wasn’t going to be an ass to my best friend.

“Much better. Thanks Saber,” Stiles said, using her nickname and grinning wide at her. She smiled kindly at him.

“It’s no problem Stickman,” she laughed. He turned back to me. I frowned at him, trying to get back onto the ominous subject.

“You mean like murdered?” I asked.

“Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties.” he replied to my question.

“Hold on. If they found a body, what are they looking for now?” Sabrina asked.

“That’s the best part. They only found half.” I looked at Sabrina with pleading eyes.

“Scott, you and Stiles cannot go out there! What if the murderer is still out there?” Sabrina asked worried.

“Chill out Saber, we’ll be find,” Stile informed her. She crossed her arms and looked at me defiantly.

“I’m going with you guys.”

“Sabrina,” Stiles whined.

“Come on Sabrina,” I whined too.

“It’s either I go with you guys or I’m waking up Mom,” Sabrina smirked at us.

“Fine,” Stiles and I said together. Sabrina looked confidently at us.

“Go change. You guys have five minutes.” Sabrina walked ran back inside and the whole way she went inside, Stiles was checking her backside out.

“Stiles, that’s my sister,” I warned him.

“Sorry man. I can’t help it,” he said, feeling guilty.

“Why don’t you just ask her out?”

“I have no chance with her. She’s way out of my league.” I shrugged and went inside to go put on a shirt and some jeans. Sabrina came out soundlessly from her room and smiled at me.


“Okay, go wait with Stiles.” She left and went back outside to the porch. Quickly I changed and went to join them.

“Ready?” asked Stiles.

“Ready,” Sabrina and I replied. He grinned mischievously and held up his precious Jeep’s keys. Never did I think I would regret this night for the rest of my life.

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