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Harry's POV
OMG! I cant believe I just told them. I turn the doorknob to find it's locked.
"Thanks guys, that's just how I wanted to tell the closest people to parents that I'm gay and I shagged the enemy, absolutely perfect!" I exclaim sarcastically walking back towards the stairs but Sirius and Remus block the stairs before I get there.
"We will all talk about this like adults and NOT shout at each other, ok Harry?" Remus says calmly but also sternly. (if that's even a thing)
"Fine." I say trying to sound somewhat calm.
We all walked into our front room and I immediately get my phone out and text Draco saying something has happened and that I couldn't make our date tonight. When I get a reply it says "It's fine babe, hope your ok and if not you know I'm always here for you❤️💋-Draco (Your king)
I then get caught in a trance until Remus decides to speak up and start the conversation that none of us really want to have.
"So... Harry care to explain your outbursts first?" Remus says comfortingly, as though I could snap any minute.
"I'm sorry, I just... I didn't want to tell you guys that way and I just feel like you hate me for sleeping with Draco and from the fact that my own GODFATHER hasn't said anything yet proves my point." I speak sincerely.
"Look Harry, I don't hate you and I'm pretty sure Remus doesn't either, it's just a lot to take in at once." Sirius says rushing over to me and giving me a really tight hug.
"It's okay, I guess," I say and just as Remus goes to speak a ping comes from my phone.
I get it out and see a text from Draco saying that if I wanted we could have the date later than planned. I reply and realising I must be smiling like an idiot as Sirius and Remus both are smirking.
"What?!" I say turning their attention back to me rather than my phone, or so I think.
"Was that him?!" Sirius says laughing at my facial expression. I start to feel heat rise to my cheeks but decide to retort back.
"Noooo... its the guy I shagged last night!" I say sarcastically, however Remus gives me a warning look saying 'cut down on the swearing or you'll not have your allowance this month'
" Harry, when did you and Mal-... Draco become a thing?" Sirius asks genuinely happy for me, which kind of concerns me.
"Umm... 18 months ago."
"Does his parents know?"
"Yes, that's why he lives in his own apartment, his parents... didn't take the news so well to say the least, in fact, and I quote, 'Your dating Harry Potter! As in the boy that defeated the dark lord and is a dyke as well as an overconfident prick!' So me and Draco said we would wait to tell you because of who we are and that we are meant hate each other as well as me not being ready to come out as it has only ever been Draco who I was attracted to when it came to it." I say trying to not cry at Lucius Malfoy's words.
I could see Sirius clench his fists and tense up but Remus gave him a knowing look of 'leave it for now and listen to Harry'.
"So, Harry, now that everything has been smoothed over, what are your plans for tonight?" Remus asks and I feel a pang of guilt for not spending time with the two people that made me who I am today, but I can also feel heat rising up my cheeks as I look down trying not to look them in the eye.
"Ohhhh...." Sirius says smirking.
"No da-" My eyes widen as I realise what I have just said. " SHIT! Sorry Sirius! I..I didn't mean to!" I carry on rambling like this until Sirius shuts me up.
"Harry! Look, Harry, I don't mind! I will never be the man who made you and gave his life for you, but I'm pretty sure after today, I come a close second." Sirius says smiling as he thinks of my dad and his best friend.
"Ok.., anyway that's not what we are doing tonight, we are going for a meal, a walk in the park and then he is coming here to stay the night, although he doesn't know that yet."
"Ok. As long as we don't here anything!" Remus jokes while in hysterics.
"Trust me, after today we will just watch a film and cuddle, besides I'm going to tell him that I want him to meet you.." I say laughing, but shying off towards the end.
"Ok we will be on our best behaviour!" Sirius jokes around, saluting as he does so.
"No, your fine as long as you don't mention today!" I utter collectively.
"We won't, we promise, don't we Sirius?" Remus says looking expectantly at Sirius.
"Yep! 100%." Sirius voices.
"Okay..... well I have to go and get ready, whereas you guys may need to.. um... tidy the kitchen after this morning, seen as you made me spill my coffee everywhere!" I announce while standing up and grabbing my phone.
"Ok... see you in a bit then, I guess?" Remus questions.
"You'll see me before I go." I laugh as I walk up the stairs with my suitcase. When I get to my room I unpack my suitcase and put it away, tidy my room and get ready.
I walk downstairs to find Sirius and Remus at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.
"What?" I question, slightly worried that I'm grounded for all the swearing I've done today.
"Are you sure you want to wear...that?"Sirius perks up.
"Ummm ya and since when would that matter?"
"Nothing I just don't want Draco to be staring at you all night"
"He won't be! Bye!"I shout as I close the front door, text Draco that I'm on my way and I drive to Draco's apartment.

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