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Harry's POV
Remus and Sirius won't let me out of their sight incase I try to self harm again. It's been three days. Three days since I said no. Three days since I lost the love of my life.
I still wish I said yes. But am I ready for it? I'm only 18 and I have only just got the family I have been dreaming of for the whole of my life. I can't leave Remus and Sirius yet. Im not ready. He should know this. I'm interrupted from my thoughts by Sirius.
"Harry, I know you may not want talk about it, and thats absolutely fine, but, what happened between you and Draco?" He inquires scared of my reaction.
"He...he asked me to move in with him." I mutter.
"So why isn't he here?" He questions.
"It's all my fault! I told him I wasn't ready! He didn't give me a chance to explain but now that I think about it I am just being a fucking cunt who only took my own thoughts into consideration." I weep.
"That's not your fault, he should've let you explain rather than leaving you," Sirius says wisely.
"But that's the thing, I didn't fight for him, I am a coward, I watched him walk away!" I say now sobbing.
The is knocking on the door and Remus gets it. All of a sudden a voice I know all too well booms through the hall way and I look at Sirius petrified. The blonde haired boy walks in and sees me but I struggle to look him in the eye.
"Draco. What are you doing here?" I ask annoyed.
"I need to listen to you like I should've that night. I need to ask why!" I look at Draco and that's when I lose it.
"So you have finally come to your senses! You finally realise that I have reasons or have you just come out of guilt! I saw the daily prophet yesterday! And you know what you can go and die for all I care! I can't deal with you anymore! We had a strong relationship, but you ruin it all by cheating and not listening! I hope your listening now though! Because... for now, I may forgive you by tomorrow, but for now... we're over!" I scream, I scream so loud that a glass smashes, I then collapse and all I remember is him kissing me goodbye.
I finally regain consciousness and I tush to my feet.
"Harry! Where are you going?" Sirius asks as I scramble to get my shoes on.
"Fighting for the man I love!" I say running out the door and towards Draco's, which isn't too far. When I get there I know he is in as most of his lights are on and music is coming from his apartment. I knock on the door and when he opens it I kiss him. I kiss him with such passion and lust I get lost in his arms for awhile. When we both stop kissing I tell him the truth. "I could never leave you Draco Malfoy, I love you too much!"
"I love you too and I'm sorry!" He says back.
"You what?!" I say trying to get him to say it again.
"I love you too and I'm sorry." He whispers in my ear making me shiver.
"I need you, I need my breakfast." I whisper seductively back into his ear and then we had breakfast.
When I get back to mine in the morning, still drunk from the night before, I stumble inside and create a lot of noise, waking Remus and Sirius up.
"HARRY JAMES POTTER! What time do you call this?" Sirius says shouting.
"Owwwww.....not so loud!" I whisper holding my head. "FUCKING HELL! Im going to kill that blonde next time I see him." I whisper shout. Sirius and Remus smirk. "What?" I say quietly but slightly louder than a whisper.
"Rough night?" Sirius says giggling.
"3 bottles of vodka later... yeah I think so..." I say slurring my words before passing out on the sofa. All I hear before I lose consciousness is them laughing.
When I wake up I have the worst headache. I look to the right of me to see Draco. I grab his hand and he looks startled at first but then I pull him on top of me and kiss him. I make my way from his mouth to his neck and start to leave love bites. He takes my top off and I take his off. He leaves love bites all over my neck and chest. The friction between us makes me harder by the second while he grinds on me. I hear the door open and a gasp. We turn around startled by the noise and see both Remus and Sirius standing there. Both mine and Draco's face flushes while Remus and Sirius leave us to sort ourselves out.
"Why!" I whisper- shout, still suffering with a headache.
"We just have very bad timing My Queen." Draco says trying to lighten the situation.
"You probably should go. But we will finish this later my king." I whisper in his ear and I watch him get sexually frustrated before walking out the door and into the streets.
I walk to the kitchen and grab a snack. Sirius is bright scarlet and Remus is mortified. I think about everything me and Draco have been through and when I think about. He truly is the love of my life.

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