Hogwarts First Year (part 1) And Draco's little problem

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Harry's POV
"Well....ummm....." I winced at the memories that spring to mind when it comes to the Dursley's. It must have been visible as Sirius and Remus look startled and concerned as well as Hermione holding my hand to reassure me. "It started at the Dursley's house when I was....asked to get the post." I say twisting the truth slightly so that Remus and Sirius don't become murderers. "I saw there was a letter to me so I started to open the letter and ummm..... Dudley snitched on me, when they knew what the letter was they may have...." I trailed off towards the end, murmuring what they did to me, mainly because I hadn't told anyone, not even Ron an Hermione, about the cupboard or the punishments I would get.
"What?" Remus enquired, confused to why I didn't want to say what happened. I nervously glanced at Ron and Hermione, as I did so my phone started ringing. Sirius grabbed it before I could and looked at the name.
"My King?!" He snorted.
"I told him not to call unless there is an emergency for today!" I say starting to panic and snatch my phone from Sirius rushing upstairs to talk to him privately.
I answered the phone to hear Draco say "Thank god you answered! I have a problem that doesn't want to disappear and I'm going out I half an hour."
"Draco! I'm sorry but that's your fault for thinking about my cock in your ass." I laugh, I then hear laughing from behind me, I turn around and see Sirius on the floor in hysterics. Remus next to him and Ron and Hermione leaning against the wall laughing.
"One minuet, my king, we have visitors who like to eavesdrop!" I say frustrated that I can't go and help Draco with his 'problem' which is slowly becoming my problem as well.
"Okay, my handsome arse can wait for your velvety-" I cut him off there.
"BABE! Your on speaker phone!" I squeak into the microphone.
"OMG! Well I've got to go. See ya later cutie." He replies
"I'm sure you will." I say seductively and then hanging up before he can embarrass me anymore.
I walk out to see all of them mortified yet laughing hysterically at the same time.
"And that people is what you get for eaves drooping!" I sass as I walk into the bathroom to silently trying to get rid of my problem. I manage to sneak past them all down stairs and grab my car keys. I open the door and shout upstairs. "I'm going out!" All I hear as I walk to my car is the front door opening and Sirius shouting after me.
"CUNT! BITCH! FUCK! WE WILL STILL TALK!" He chases after me managing to let the whole neighbor hood hear.
"I walk into Draco's apartment to see Draco sat there, naked trying to get rid of his problem. I walk up to him unnoticed and I get rid of his problem and he gets rid of mine.
I walk back into the house to find Ron and Hermione had left and Sirius and Remus in the front room looking like they were going to kill me.
"Harry! So nice of you to join us!" Remus sarcastically replies to sitting on the sofa, still looking flushed and with sex hair and fresh hickeys down my neck. Sirius eyes these glaring at me.
"HARRY JAMES POTTER! WAS IT REALLY NECESSARY TO GO TO DRACO'S!" Sirius shouts losing his temper quickly.
"Yes, unless you wanted me to sit there restlessly!" I reply. I then realise what I said and Remus just looks at me like I'm a creep. "FUCK SAKE! I might as well move out if your going to be like this. We didn't get to celebrate our engagement and just because I went over to see him you look like your going to murder me. Besides, I didn't want to talk about everything that happened in first and second year with Ron and Hermione here. They don't know certain stuff about it and I'm not ready to tell them! Not unless I want pitiful expressions every time I see them or that the nightmares will come back!" I scream not able to stop myself from revealing a lot.
Their heads snap up at the mention of nightmares and see me crying, frustrated and angry with myself.
"It wasn't all butterflies and dandelions. It was pure torture! I don't want them knowing about..." I trail off realising I was about to reveal a huge secret.
All of a sudden I feel the hard wooden floor rush towards me as I faint from all the overwhelming stress.
When I regain consciousness I look around and see Remus with a glass of water for me and a concerned and pitiful look spread across his face.
"I see your awake." He says with guilt laid thick on his voice.
"Umm... I guess? How long was I out for?" I say feeling bad for shouting at them.
"About half an hour. How are you feeling?"
"I'm sorry!"
"For what?!" He laughs.
"Shouting at you and Sirius, I have some things I need to tell you two but I don't know how. Last time I thought about the things I need to tell you about was when....when..."
"Harry take your time." Remus says calmly.
"The last time I thought about it was when I was supposedly dead in the Battle of Hogwarts." I say as I try to keep a clear head. "Where's Sirius?" I inquire.
"In the kitchen. Do you want help getting up?" He sympathetically asks.
"No I'm fine, can you tell Sirius I'll be through in a minute, I need to go upstairs first?"
"Sure!" He says as he stalks off to the kitchen.
I run upstairs and grab a full bottle of vodka as well as four calming potions. As I walk downstairs I grab a glass from the pantry walk into the kitchen and put down everything.
"Harry-" Sirius says looking at the vodka.
"This is NOT a conversation to have sober!" I say pouring a glass of vodka. "These are for you two." I say as I hand over the calming potion.
"And this is....?" Sirius says scared of what it could be.
"That is a calming potion. Trust me! You will need one or two if not more."
"OH GOD!" I hear Remus mutter under his breath.
"Anyway..." I say having some of the vodka. "As I was saying before I went to Draco's the Dursley's wouldn't let me have my letter, when they found out what it was they.....they through me out of the room, literally, and told me to stay in the cupboard until the next day, without much food or water, then when Aunt Petunia and Dudley were out Uncle Vernon...He ......he." I start to hyperventilate again so I have more vodka.
"Go on Harry... tell us in your own time." Sirius says trying not to go and kill the Dursley's.
"He smacked me with a belt for over an hour." I say in barely a whisper but just loud enough for Remus to hear. Sadly, Sirius didn't and wanted me to say it again but I couldn't so Remus whispered it in his ear and straight away I get crushed in a hug, after both of them have had some calming potion.
"How did you get your letter then?" Sirius says trying to change the subject before I start crying even more than I already am.

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