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Harry's POV
Hermione and Ron have just got here and Remus and Sirius are in the kitchen while we are in the front room.
"So I have something to ask and something to tell you." I explain to them.
"Ok...." They reply in unison and you can tell how much of a couple they are.
"Well I..ummm.. I'm gay and I'm dating Draco Malfoy?" I say as more of a question than a statement. Hermione and Ron seem to be completely unfazed by it.
"Why aren't you that surprised?" I question.
"We've both seen you ogle Draco's arse and the past is in the past mate, I'm not going to hold a grudge against him." Ron says snorting at the start of his sentence.
"Oh...umm..ok? So you won't kill him?" I just want to be sure and that's why I ask.
"No! Of course not! If your happy, we're happy! Anyway, what did you want to ask us?" Hermione says genuinely happy.
"I have two things really. Hermione will you be up there with me when me and Draco get married and Ron can you be my best man?" I wearily question.
"Wait! Backtrack. You and Draco are engaged?" Ron asks shocked. I just nod in answer. Hermione jumps up and drowns me in a hug.
"Of course we will Harry, you didn't have to ask." Hermione laughs reassuringly.
"Ok.. and also.. Remus and Sirius want to know about the first two years at Hogwarts and I don't know how to tell them so will you help me?" I enquire.
"Of course! I'm pretty sure they won't be too happy with the choices we all made, so it may be best if we tackle it together." Ron happily replies.
We then walked to the kitchen door which turns out to be locked. I sigh and signal for Hermione and Ron to go upstairs a minute and they do. I knock on the door and two minutes later I'm met by a very disheveled Sirius and a red Remus.
"Guys! Seriously! We eat in here for gods sake!" I vent at them. They look sheepishly towards me.
"Where's Hermione and Ron?" Remus asks trying to act like nothing happened.
"Upstairs. And you should be grateful. If they saw this they would never come back here again!" I exclaim.
"Okay...okay we get it, now get them and we will talk in the living room." Sirius retorts. I grab Ron and Hermione and ignore all their questions about Sirius and Remus and just sit in the living room, texting Draco.
Text conversation
Draco: Hey gorgeous, how did Ron and Hermione react? ❤️💕💋😘👑
Harry: Really well, they kind of had already guessed and were perfectly fine with it.
Draco: Good. How are Remus and Sirius?
Harry: They are fine just caught them in the kitchen but other than that they are just perfect.
Draco: HAHAHA! I would have loved to see their faces.
Harry: I miss you babe❤️💋👑😘💘
Draco: I was there an hour ago! But I miss you too babe.
Harry: Hey! I have a reason to miss you. We never got to celebrate.😏 I better go now. See ya later My king.
I hear someone clear their throat and I see everyone looking at me intrigued.
"What?" I reply blushing and smiling like an idiot.
"If you want him that much he can come over tonight." Sirius says in hysterics.
"No, actually, we were just talking about how we should have a party to tell everyone about the engagement." I retort back, blatantly lying.
"Yeah right, and pigs may fly!" Hermione snorts.
"Fine! We were talking about how SIRIUS is a cock block!" I emphasise. Everyone giggles and Sirius smirks.
"Well if you really want he can come over tonight and you can propose all over again!" He retorts.
"OMG! Nope, I'm fine! I am not saying that speech again, anyway..."
"In all seriousness, he can come over tonight!" Remus seriously voices out.
I quickly grab my phone and text him asking if at about 8:00 pm he wanted to come over.
"Someones eager!" Sirius laughs.
I turn a bright crimson and mumble "Shut up!"
"Anyway...back to the subject at hand what happened.....Harry! Hello?"Remus says, while I check Draco's reply. He stops mid sentence to see if I'm listening which I'm clearly not so Sirius snatches my phone out of my hand, which unfortunately, was opened up on mine and Draco's messages, which aren't exactly PG13.
"Harry! Save this for your spare time, not when we are trying to have a serious conversation." He says throwing my phone back at me while Ron sniggers and I turn a deep scarlet red.
"Soo... what happened in your first year?" Remus asks getting rid of any tension in the air.
"Where do we start?" I ask Ron and Hermione.
"How about your letter and all the problems with that?" Hermione suggests and I agree with her.
"So ummm...."

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