What Do You Want Ferret?!

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Harry's POV
I try to close the door as soon as I register who is standing in front of me but he is too strong for me and manages to get into the house.
"What the FUCK are you doing here? Come to say sorry? Come to say that you're truly a dickhead and a prick and that you feel bad? Well I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you! Sorry I'm such a fool to believe that you ever truly loved me!" I say screaming the house down and going to throw a punch but I feel a hand grab my arm to stop me. "Get off!" I shout yanking my arm back.
"Harry, calm down, it's just me Remus." A voice says behind me.
"CALM DOWN?! CALM DOWN?! NOT AFTER WHAT HE'S DONE!" I scream, but then I turn to Draco "Shouldn't you be at home planning your wedding to that frigid,bitchy bimbo you call your fiancé."
"No Harry! I don't love her I love you!" Draco cries back at me.
I turn around and stalk towards the stairs and he starts to follow me so I turn round and punch him square in the nose.
"Serves you right you prick!" I scream while Remus and Sirius stand there unsure of what to do. I decide to go to my room and get my hidden stash of vodka. I pour myself a huge glass and walk downstairs. Unfortunately, I get caught out on the fact that it isn't water.
"What is that?" Sirius says pointing to the glass in my hand while Remus sees to Draco's broken nose.
"Water?!" I say hopeful.
"No it isn't it's... vodka!" Sirius says cautious of my reaction. Sadly for him, my reaction is to down the whole glass.
"Seriously Harry?!" He exclaims.
"What!? I won't stop drinking until you get that cunt out of this house."
"OK! What has gone off between you two!" Sirius shouts making everyone go quiet until I shout "Why don't you go and ask ferret over there seen as he is the cause for all this!"
"Harry! You never let me explain!" Draco cries out.
"What? What would you have to explain, other than you never loved me?" I say as tears start coming to my eyes.
"It's MY FATHER!" Draco suddenly blurts out and I stop in my tracks. What have I done?
"What do you mean it's your father?" Remus asks for me as I stand there lost for words. Draco turns to look me dead in the eye.
"He's making me marry her." He says with such deep sorrow in his eyes I cant resist him no more and I smash our lips together. We kiss and then I turn to Remus and Sirius.
"Me and Draco will be talking in my room of you need me." I then drag Draco to my room and we start to talk.
"So what happened?" I say starting the conversation for him.
"Well my father said I had to marry her or...." He then starts to cry slightly and I grab him by the hands to assure that I'll be there. It works and he carries on speaking. "He said he would kill you if I didn't marry her." I was astounded by his words but nonetheless, I kissed him and we talked it out and then we walked downstairs grinning at each other, holding hands.
"I see everything is sorted" I hear from behind us once we are in the kitchen.
"Yeah, it's all fine." I say turning to see Remus stood there smiling.
"Actually it's not." I hear Draco's voice speak out. "He forgot to ask me an important question while we were upstairs so...Harry? Care to ask me?" I turn around astonished by his words and say "Why don't you try it?"
"Because I want to hear the wonderful speech again." He replies smirking. I then turn around to see Remus and Sirius staring at me expectantly.
"Draco Malfoy will you marry me?" I mumble.
"Sorry. What? I didn't hear you!" Draco said trying to get me to say it again.
"Draco Malfoy, will you marry me?" I say louder this time.
"Nope, you have to say it all!" He says grinning while Remus and Sirius are just laughing in the background.
"Fine!" I exclaim, pausing for a second. Then I get on one knee remembering I still have the ring in my pocket, so I take it out and start the speech again. "Draco, the love of my life, I wake up everyday because I know I'm with you, I fought Voldemort and never gave up on life because I wanted to be with you and to be able to hold your hand in public, you make me feel like the luckiest person alive and I would be so happy and honoured to be able to call you mine forever. So.. Draco Lucius Malfoy.. will you marry me?" I pour my heart even more than last time, if that's even possible and I can hear Sirius and Remus sniffling in the background.
"Of course I will Scarhead." He replies.
"Tut-tut-tut Ferret, it's rude to call people names!" I say slapping his arm. He then smirks.
"Well then, I guess I should be punished for it." He says grabbing my waist. I go to say something but I get interrupted by Sirius.
"Harry? Shall we carry on the conversation from earlier?" He says while smirking and I just mutter under my breath "Cock block!" And then I tell them. "Sorry but I need to umm.. do something."
"Elaborate?" Remus says smirking thinking that I meant Draco.
"I still haven't told Ron and Hermione about me and Draco yet." I mutter and everyone just stares at me blankly and then Draco says. "I'll go so you can do that, I don't want Ron to kill me before the wedding." He says laughing and I start to laugh to.
"Okay.. I'll come over at some point, my king." I say giving him a kiss goodbye and whispering the last bit in his ear.
"Bye!" He says walking out the front door. I turn to Remus and Sirius.
"What did you say about Hermione and Ron, Harry?" Remus says and I realise they didn't hear what I said.
"I...um... may not have told them about me and Draco yet?" I sheepishly question myself.
"Well why don't you invite them here and we can all talk about that and the first two years of school?" Sirius suggests.
"I'm not going to get out of this, am I?" I groan.
"Nope, not at all." Sirius claims.
"Fine!" I whine like a seven year old and I go and call Ron and Hermione.
All that's left now is to tell the truth which is a very dangerous thing.

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