Hogwarts year 1 (part 3)

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It's been two days since me and Draco got caught. It's been two days since I've seen Draco. I feel dead without Draco but Remus and Sirius have grounded me for swearing at them for barging in on us, even though we were in the front room and not my bedroom.
I walk into the kitchen to see my two 'parents' looking at the newspaper in sorrow.
"What's wrong?" I say, making them jump out of their skins.
"Nothing." Sirius says quickly causing me to be suspicious. However, I let it go and just grab coffee.
"Soooo..... can we finish me telling you all about school before Sirius almost ripped Ron's leg off?" I say laughing at the memory and Sirius's scowl when I mention it.
"I didn't mean to, I was aiming for the dickhead who is nothing more than a traitor, and yes we can finish that once you have had breakfast. You're far too thin!" Sirius sternly pushes a plate piled with food. I just stand up and run to the bathroom, Remus and Sirius not far behind. As soon as I get there I start to throw up. Once I've stopped and brushed my teeth I walk out of the bathroom, feeling light headed, to be met by two very concerned and slightly old men.
"What's wrong pronglet? Why did you just throw up?" Sirius starts flooding me with questions and I just snap.
"Oh!" Is all either of them say.
"The anniversary of their death, as if it's something to celebrate!" I cry. "I was trying not to think about it, trying not to lock myself in my room like I do every time someone mentions them, trying not to..." I trail off as Sirius and Remus squash me in a hug. When they release me I finish what I was saying. "Trying not to feel guilty about everyone who died for me, the great Harry Potter, the one to conquer the dark lord, when really it was everyone who died for me that conquered him!" I scream, breaking down in floods of tears. All I can think about is watching everyone die for me, when really I should've been the one to die. I stumble down the stairs and collapse on the sofa, my back turned to everyone, and just cry and cry, this Halloween will be the toughest because I don't have an adventure to keep me preoccupied, is all I can think as I lie there.
I wake up, not remembering ever falling asleep, to find myself covered in blankets. When I turn around and stand up I feel light headed again so I just take some health potion and I feel fine. I walk to the kitchen to find Remus and Sirius both marking papers. (they both work at Hogwarts, Remus- DADA and Sirius - transfiguration) I walk over to the fridge and grab my bottle that looks like it has water in it when really it has Spirytus Rektyfikowany in it. (The strongest alcohol I could get)
I sit at the table and stare into space. It's a week until I have to go back to Hogwarts for the 8th year. (Pretend you go there for as long as you want) A week until I have to face everyone that helped me in the battle of Hogwarts. My thoughts are interrupted by Remus asking "Are we going to hear about the rest of your first year or not?"
I then realise I have no supplies for school. "Shit! Fuck! I need to go! Diagon alley! School supplies! Shit!" I shout incoherently.
"Harry! We got them for you!" Sirius shouts over my rambling.
"Oh....right! What time is it?" I ask knowing that Draco is meant to be coming over today, thank god! Sirius goes to answer but there is a knock on the front door. I race to go and get it and as soon as I see him I embrace him in a large hug. "Draco!" I shout like a little fangirl excited to her favourite band.
"Yeah?" He replies confused about my giddiness.
"I missed you." I signify.
"I missed you too baby!" He replies before kissing me.
We walk into the house and I drag him upstairs. I see in the corner of my eye Remus and Sirius smirk at each other and I just stick my middle finger up at them.
Once upstairs me and Draco talk about anything and everything.
"I'm glad your here today. I don't know if I could last another minute without you, especially today." I say staring into his eyes.
"I know baby, I know." He whispers in my ear hugging me, while I silently cry into his shoulder.
About an hour later he leaves and I walk into the living room and start the inevitable conversation.
"To answer your question about who 'we' is, it's me, Hermione and Ron." I speak up as they stare at me in anticipation.
"Ohhhhh... Ok." Remus says understanding.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot! When Hagrid came to give me my letter Uncle Vernon called Dumbledore a 'crackpot old fool' which made Hagrid really angry." I say smiling at the memory. "And then...well Hagrid gave my cousin Dudley a pigs tail."
We all roar with laughter.
"So did Dursley decide to retreat after that then?" Sirius asks still watching me like a hawk for any signs of uncomfortableness or coldness, because, yet again, he has covered me with blankets.
"Yep! And that's when Hagrid gave me his coat and the following day we got ky school supplies." I say trying to lighten up but failing as another memory comes to mind. It must've been noticeable as well, because both Sirius and Remus come over to see if I'm ok.
"What's wrong pronglet? What happened?" Sirius asks starting to panic.
"What? Oh..... ummm.....yeah... it's just..that was the day...the day I found out what really happened to mum and dad." I say my voice shaking slightly and tears slowly dripping down my face. Remus' eyes narrow when he realises that the Dursley's lied to me about how my parents died.
"Well, that was a bit of a rocky start." Remus says, a little more calm now that he knows that Hagrid had dealt with some of the revenge on the Dursley's.
"Yep! Now onto the Hogwarts years pronglet!" Sirius says happily, but still curious about the jinxed broom.
I wince slightly and wonder, is it possible for me to get grounded over something that happened 7 years ago.

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