Hogwarts year 1 (part 5)

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3rd Person POV
"Right, so... Where do you want me to start?" Harry asks, fidgeting.
Remus laughs slightly and says in an obvious tone. "Well your first day of classes will probably be a good place to start."
"Er,right." Harry says wondering if he should skip out the bit about the potions lesson. On second thoughts he doesn't really care if Snape is on the the marauders bad side, he did make his Harry's life a living hell even though he loved his mother.Maybe he can see what Remus and Sirius do to him.
"Harry?" Sirius prompts, looking at the boy who is currently nestled under the blankets Sirius has stuffed on top of him.
"Er, right." Harry blinks. "So, um, nothing much happened on the first day that is really interesting. I mean we were late for transfiguration and Mcgonagall took off point."
"It was your first day!" Sirius exclaims. "Surely they can't fault you for getting lost!" Harry just shrugs in response.
"Keep going pup." Remus encourages.
"We then had potions." Harry says, shuddering at the thought.
"Are you cold?" Sirius asks immediately, looking at him concerned.
"No, just remembering that particular potions lesson." Harry answers innocently, thinking that there are quite a few upsides to having overprotective 'parents'.
"Why?" Sirius growls. "What did the greasy git do?" Remus throws Sirius a reproaching look for bad mouthing a teach in front of Harry, especially teacher he is 'close' to because he loved Harry's mum. However, the dog animagus just ignores it.
"Well, first he called me a celebrity." Harry says feeling sick remembering how much he actually hates that so-called title. "Then, he asked me a bunch  of questions, ones I had no-clue what the answers were, then he took off points because I told him Hermione knows the answers and also because I happened to be sat next to Neville." Harry rants forgetting where he is and getting lost in the memory.
Sirius' eyes narrow and he mutters furiously, trying to keep it under his breath but failing, "Greasy git...deserves...going to kill him..taunting my godson.."
Harry inwardly rejoices. He's finally going to get revenge and justice on Snape for all those years of taunting and saying things about his father.
Remus' eyes have glints of gold and red in them, clearly not pleased with his colleague but still says calmly, "Keep going Harry, I want to hear more about the rest of the year." Harry's only thought is are you sure.
"Um, after the lesson Ron and I went down to Hagrid's hut." Harry says trying to recall his memories.
"Oh, now I remember. That's when I found out that the Gringotts break in was on my birthday. And when I tried to ask Hagrid about it he tried to change the subject, failing miserably might I add."
Remus and Sirius both laugh, it is true, Hagrid is a terrible liar. You can't find a more loyal and honest man but he isn't very good when it comes to subtlety.
"OH!" Harry exclaims. "I nearly forgot to mention our flying lesson!"
"Do tell Pronglet." Sirius says, smiling at the carefree attitude his godson is currently showing. This is far better than the stressed, moody teenager of the past few weeks. It seems as though this is a good idea.
Which it is...for Harry. Not for Sirius and Remus' hearts though...
"Well, we were with the Slytherins, sadly." Harry stated rolling his eyes. Sirius grinned, even though Draco is Harry's boyfriend, he can't wait for some Malfoy humiliation, which there is bound to be, as Harry and Draco weren't friends back then.
"So, first we got the whole lecture on how to hold and mount a broom. But then." Harry begins his sentence.
Sirius and Remus throw a glance at each other, hoping this isn't the part with the jinxed broom in it. Sirius is sitting up straighter and more alert and tense as he listens to Harry continue with the story.
"Neville got scared and rose up on his broom, by accident, but to early." Harry completes, confused when his godfather lets out an audible sigh.
Sirius notices Harry's confusion and says, "Don't worry about it Pronglet, just keep going."
"Right, anyway, Madame Hooch told all of us if we even thought about flying that we would be expelled while she took Neville to the hospital wing." Harry explains.
"That was an....interesting lesson." Remus says, slightly bewildered.
"I'm not done yet." Harry says.
"Why, what happened next?" Sirius asks curiosity getting the best of him.
"My imbecile of a boyfriend!" Harry says.
"Of course!" Sirius rolls his eyes. "He had to do something to aggravate you didn't he? What did he do?"
"Well, first I should mention that Nevilles gran got him a rememberall as a gift." Harry explains before continuing on with the actual story, ignoring Sirius' comment about Draco aggravating him. "Anyway, it must've fallen out of his pocket while he was in the air because the next thing I know is that Draco has it and is calling Neville an idiot and all this other stuff."
Sirius growls softly. Back then Draco really was a no good Slytherin scum.
"Well, I defended Neville." Harry continues ignoring Sirius' growl against his boyfriend.
Sirius smiles affectionately at Harry. "Defending your friends?"
Harry smiles before continuing. "Of course, Draco being the git he was back then, decided to fly off with it and wanted to hide it in a tree or something." Harry hesitates for a moment.
Remus catches the pause and says slightly wearily. "Did you go up after him?"
"Well...yes." Harry admits.
"And what did Draco do?" Sirius asks calmly, although internally trying not to let his imagination get carried away and run wild.
"Well, we argued in the air for a bit." Harry answers. "But then Draco chucked it..."
"Harry." Remus says, dreading the answer to the question he is about to ask. "You didn't go after it...did you?"
Harry winced slightly and says, "Well...Yeah, I did. But I caught it and landed without getting hurt." He quickly adds, trying to avoid any future lectures.
"What happened next?" Sirius asks, relieved that there are no jinxed brooms in the story yet.
"Erm..Mcgonagall appeared." Harry says wincing as he remembers how it felt in the moment to be caught by Mcgonagall.
Remus whistles and says, "Well, I don't envy you Harry, Mcgonagall is the worst for punishments."
Harry smiles mischievously and says, "That's what I thought. But first she asked me to follow her, ignoring what everyone else was saying."
Sirius is now scowling, he likes Mcgonagall at times, but this is definitely not one of those times. She cared too much for the rules. She shouldn't punish anyone, especially his godson, for sticking up and helping out a friend. Remus, on the other hand, sees that Harry isn't that upset about getting caught by Mcgonagall, in fact he seems....Happy? Perhaps this means Mcgonagall let him off for flying.
"So she took me up to the castle, but she stopped and went to Quirrel's class first and asked for 'Wood'." Harry continues.
Sirius raises an eyebrow about to ask who 'Wood' is but gets interrupted by Remus. "Wood? Wasn't he in seventh year when I first started teaching at Hogwarts and the Gryffindor Quidditch captain as well?"
"Yep!" Harry nods. "So she asked for Wood and took us to an abandoned classroom, which is where she told me that.." Harry stops to take a breath. "She told me I made Quidditch team seeker!"
"YOUR JOKING?!" Sirius exclaims. "I know your brilliant, but to make it onto the team in first year is like a huge privilege! You have no idea how many times me and your father tried to get Mcgonagall to break that rule! And you did it without trying!"
"Yeah! And the man who made it all possible seems to be calling me." Harry says as he grabs his phone and puts it onto speaker phone.
"Hi Ferret, What's up?" Harry asks his boyfriend.
"Oh,umm, nothing, what you doing?"
"Just telling Remus and Sirius about how you got me onto the Quidditch team in first year."
"Well, you seem to be having lots of fun, especially seen as you have forgotten to pick me up because the wedding planner will be at your house in twenty minutes." Draco says laughing.
"SHIT! You have to be kidding me. I thought it is tomorrow." Harry answers back while Remus and Sirius just laugh at Harry forgetting important information in the background.
"NO! So hurry your ass over here!"
"OK! I'm on my way!" Harry says hanging up and saying bye to Remus and Sirius.
And with that Harry goes and picks up Draco.

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