1. Taking a Trip

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Not too long after Patch's London adventure, some of the 101 dalmatians have recently gone home to America with Kali Harpercop after she and her younger siblings adopted them. 

Lucky, Patch, Cadpig and Rolly were in a taxi cab with their kid owners being driven somewhere. It was suppose to be a surprise for the pups, but they just couldn't contain their excitement. 

"So where are we going again?" Patch asked anxiously while looking out the window, wagging his tail. 

"Calm down, buddy" Kali chuckled to the dalmatian puppy. "We're going to the Brown residents" 

"They're a couple of nice folks of my sister's after she helped them out with some things awhile back" Ann explained to the dalmatian puppies. 

"Do they have a nice house? Nice yard? Nice flowers?" Cadpig, the positive one kept asking.  

"Forget that" Lucky cut in. "Do they have dogs?"

"Yes, they do in fact" Kali nodded to him. 

"They just added the seventh one to their family after Ann and I brought her to their place since she was looking for a home" Brock added. 

"Wow!" The four dalmatian siblings were amazed. 

"I don't care where were going just as long as they have food" Rolly said. 

This made the gang all chuckle lightly at the pudgy puppy. Lucky came up and sat on Kali's lap. 

"I'm so excited that we'll be getting to spend time together" The little dalmatian puppy looked up, wagging his tail at his new owner. 

"Me too, buddy" Kali smiled down at Lucky and petted him on the head. 

"Hey, guys! Did you here?" Cadpig beamed from ear to ear. "Dipstick's got his first date with Dottie" 

"That's great!" Everyone was happy about that except Rolly, who pretended to roll his eyes and gag. 

"Hey, it's gonna happen to all of you too someday" Kali told the four pups after noticing Rolly's bitter expression. 

The dalmatian siblings knew the tomboy was making a point. They already were close friends with the Harpercops' other dalmatians Winston, Gayle, Priscilla, and Daisy, that they got for Lucky and his siblings to have other companions besides each other and their humans. But the human siblings could tell that their puppies where already starting to think of their new companions just more then friends. 

"Speaking of which-" Ann spoke up and asked Cadpig. "How's it going with you and Winston?"

"Ah, Winston..." Cadpig sighed dreamily, starting to daydream. "He has the most nicest brown eyes... Fur as shaggy as a guinea pig... And the smell of a dumpster.... I love that about him..." 

Cadpig's brothers just rolled their eyes, annoyed.  

The dalmatian siblings were excited to be starting their new lives with their new owners together. And they were even more excited once they'd be a little older enough to join their owners on adventures, just like in the stories Kali's told them about. Lucky and Patch told the gang they had always wanted to go to Alaska and be in a sled dog race like those huskies in the races on TV. 

"You know, your dad knew a lot of my other dog friends way back then" Kali mentioned the dalmatians father, Pongo. "Like Dodger and his gang, a street dog he told me about Charlie Barkin. Even the dog we're going to meet today"

"Well, I can't wait to meet them!" Patch smiled to her, wagging his tail. 

"Me neither" Lucky added as they continued looking out the window. On the way to their destination. 

103 Dalmatians: Loss of a Friend (An Adventuregirl5 Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now