4. Kali Missing?

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"MISSING!?" The whole gang back at the Brown house asked out of shock what Patch and Lucky had told them. "What do you mean she's missing?!" 

"What I'm saying is, Kali's missing! I just know it!" Lucky repeated to them what he only knew, looking already worried for his girl.   

"Okay, just calm down, boys" Lady told the pups. 

"Now, where was the last place you saw her?" Tramp asked the pups. 

"Near the hardware store downtown" Angel replied. 

"Ooh, what if something happened to her?" Rolly asked, worried. 

"Oh, No! Oh, No! My poor sister!" Ann started to panic about her big sister. 

"We got to find her! We got to find her!" Brock also panicked a little about his big sister. 

"Don't worry, we will" Tramp assured the twins, before explaining to the gang his plan for a search party. 

"Pidge, you and I will search uptown with Jock and Trusty. Kids, you, Cadpig and Rolly stay with Jim Dear and Darling and help them search around the neighborhood. And Lucky and Patch, go with the twins back to where you last saw her" 

"Hopefully she hasn't gotten far" Lady said. 

"Yeah, I hope" Cadpig and Rolly added, worried for their human. 

"And with any luck, we'll find her before dark" Tramp told the gang before they headed out. "Alright, now let's move out and find Kali!" 

The whole gang headed out in different groups, searching all around in hopes to find Kali.

Patch and Lucky went back down to the hardware store with the twins this time where they last saw the tomboy. The two dalmatian pups started sniffing around when they picked up her scent, but it was faint. 

Patch and the twins looked to see that Lucky was extremely worried for his girl. 

"Don't worry, little brother" Patch assured his brother, placing his paw on Lucky's shoulder. "We'll find her" 

"That's right" The twins added with confidence. "We will" 

Lucky smiled to his friends before they continued on with their searching with their thoughts from Kali not far. 

Where could Kali be? 

103 Dalmatians: Loss of a Friend (An Adventuregirl5 Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now