6. The New Pups

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Meanwhile, the twins and pups continued with their search for Kali, not even close to giving up. They weren't far behind as they came up to the entrance of a dark alleyway. That's were her scent was leading the pups. 

"Kali must be down there somewhere" Patch told the others, looking down into the dark spooky alleyway. 

Lucky closed his eyes and continued sniffing, focusing on the smell until he noticed something yellow on the ground. 

Brock picked up the yellow piece of fabric, recognizing it immediately. "This is Kali's favorite yellow bandanna"

Ann gasped. "She never goes anywhere without it!"  

This gave Lucky an extremely worried expression across his face. What if something had happened to his human? What if she was in big trouble and he wasn't there to protect her? Was she even still out there somewhere? Would he ever see his girl again? 

The twins noticed Lucky's worried whimpering and knelt down to comfort the little puppy. "Don't worry, Lucky" 

"Remember, we have everyone out looking for her" Patch reminded. 

"We'll find her.... We promise" The twins assured Lucky and he slowly smiled up at them. 

Just then, the gang heard the sound of a trashcan being knocked over. Having a feeling they were being watched, the twins and dalmatian pups exercised with caution, until they suddenly heard a little female voice cry out. 


Two little street puppies then lunged out of the shadows and came at the twins with their teeth bared. But thankfully, Lucky and Patch were stronger and tackled the two street pups, quickly pinning them to the ground. 

"Hey! Back off!" Patch growled towards the female puppy he had pinned for trying to attack his kids. 

"Whoa, easy there!" The male puppy who had been pinned down by Lucky began. "Don't get excited. We just thought you were trespassers"

"Well clearly you got the wrong idea" Patch glared slightly as he and Lucky let the puppies up. 

The twins and dalmatian brothers plus the two street pups all walked around each other cautiously, observing each other. The twins and dalmatian brothers could see that these two pups were from the streets and looked a lot like the same breed as Angel. 

The boy pup was slightly bigger in size than the girl pup. He had dark red and brownish fur with green eyes. 

The girl pup had light blonde fur and blue eyes, almost looking exactly like Angel. Makes you even think that they're related, but really they were not. 

"Who are you guys?" The twins questioned the street pups. 

"It's rude to ask a girl that question!" The tough female puppy huffed at the kids.  

"Hey, you're the ones who attacked us!" Lucky glared.  

"Fine" the female pup said before introducing herself. "The name's Scrappy" 

Scrappy then pointed out to the male pup standing next to her. "And this is my brother, Sage"

"What's up?" Sage greeted. 

"Well, I'm Patch. And this is my brother Lucky, and our owners, Brock and Ann" Patch introduced. 

"Call me crazy, but were your humans just talking to us earlier?" Scrappy asked the dalmatian pups, titling her head at the human kids. 

"Are you two some kinds of crafty witches?" Sage growled, coming up to the twins suspiciously. 

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Lucky and Patch came up in front of their humans, blocking Sage from getting any closer to the twins. 

"No!" Patch began. "They've always been able to talk to animals" 

"It's quite a long story" Ann admitted. 

"And that witch talk never fades" Brock added, having gotten used to it after awhile now. 

"What are you doing out here anyway, pets?" Sage glared slightly at the dalmatian brothers and their owners, thinking they obviously had other places to be.  

"We're looking for our friend, Kali" Lucky explained. "She's my girl, and their sister. She went missing this morning and we haven't been able to find her"

"That is until you and Patch picked up her scent which led us here" Brock added in.  

"She's been gone for hours now and I'm really worried" Lucky put his head down, looking sad. 

The street pups brother and sister looked at the dalmatians and their humans curiously.  

"You know, we did happen to see a young human girl being dragged away earlier by this big black and brown street dog" Scrappy mentioned. 

"Buster?" The twins thought. 

"I thought he was gone for good" Brock turned to his twin sister, he couldn't believe it. 

"Well, apparently who ever it was that dragged your sister off went down that way" Scrappy pointed out deeper into the dark alleyway where no one dare went. 

"Looks scary" Brock shivered a little. 

"Can you take us to her?" Ann asked the street puppies, begging. 

"Hmmm?" Scrappy looked at the twins and their pets, examining them closely. 

"I don't like humans, or your perky spoiled little pets" Scrappy scoffed at the human kids and their dalmatians.  

The twins and dalmatians put their heads down in sadness. But Sage then whispered something in his sister's ear, saying that maybe they could help them with finding someone they had been looking for. 

"Okay..." Scrappy finally agreed, rolling her eyes. "We'll help you"

"Yes!" The twins and dalmatians beamed in joy, attempting to run up and hug Scrappy and Sage. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Hey!" Scrappy backed away, avoiding at being hugged while telling them. "None of that mushy stuff now, okay?" 

The twins and their dalmatians nodded in agreement. 

"Come on, follow us" Sage began to lead the way. 

The twins and their dalmatians followed the two street puppies down the dark creepy alleyway, not knowing what to expect. 

A/N: @nightfurylover25 got the honor of naming these two puppies, who are OCS we created together :) 

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