5. The Familiar Face of a Scoundrel

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Kali had been knocked out for awhile, when she was finally starting to come around. 

She slowly groaned in agony from the brief pain she had endured and opened up her eyes. She looked around, checking her surroundings to see that she was somewhere deep in the back of a dark abandoned alleyway near a junkyard. Kali knew there was a junkyard nearby, cause she could tell by the smell. 

She tried to get up, but that's when she realized her arms and legs were tied up backwards. No matter how hard she tried to wriggle free, she wasn't going anywhere. The knots were all wrapped around her tightly and well done. 

The adventure girl realized around her neck, her magic crystal was missing too. As well as her favorite yellow bandanna on top of her head. 

"Wh- Where am I?" She asked herself out loud.  

"Well, well, well..." Kali looked around when she suddenly heard a voice that sounded all too familiar. "Little Miss Meddler is finally awake" 

There, out of the shadows came a big black and brown dog of a rottweiler and doberman mix. Kali immediately recognized this dog. 

"Buster?!..." Kali gasped in shock. 

"Long time no see, kid" The black and brown street dog gave an evil yet sly smile towards her. Buster had Kali's magic crystal in his mouth. 

"Wh- Where am I? Why am I here? And what are you doing here?" Kali asked, glaring coldly at this crafty street dog who used to be a good friend of the Tramp's until he met Lady.  

"Ooh, your siblings were right... You are nosy" Buster mentioned, after the twins had told him about their sister during their adventure with Scamp. 

"What do you want with me?" The tomboy asked the black and brown dog, not even being the tiniest bit scared of him. 

"Oh, believe me, kid. I'm not interested in you, or want any part of you at all..." Buster started explaining to the nine-year-old girl, walking around her. 

"You'll merely just serve as bait for me to lure the Tramp out. And then I'll finally be able to seek my revenge on that flea-bitten traitor!" Buster growled.  

Kali glared at Buster before he looked back up at her and continued. 

"But I do know someone who would be very interested in you" The black and brown street dog smiled sneaky at her. "She and I made a deal after I helped her and her son bust out of solitary confinement".  

Just then, another figure walked out from the shadows, who Kali also recognized. He was a boy with white hair and was the same age as her. He was wearing a red long-sleeve shirt and had on black and white jeans and vest.  

"Carlos De-Vil" Kali glared at the son of Cruella De-Vil in a disgusted tone.  

"Kali Harpercop" Carlos glared back at Kali in the same manner, since he was a villain's kid.  

"We're taking you to Cruella" Buster told Kali before ordering Carlos. "Now move it, boy!" 

Carlos grabbed the end of Kali's ropes and began dragging her along down the alleyway. 

"You know, you don't have to be doing this..." Kali told Carlos gently, believing that he nor Buster were all that bad. Unlike Buster's cousins Roscoe and Desoto, who Kali foiled during her adventure with the little orphan kitten Oliver who was taken in by Kali's uncle Fagin and his dogs. 

"I don't have a choice" Carlos looked back at Kali, even though she had saved him from getting hit by that bus during Patch's London adventure. 

The three continued walking further down into the dark alley. Kali wondered where she was going, but also wondering if Lucky and the others were looking for her right now. 

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