7. Cruella's Back!

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Kali had finally been brought to a stop way far back past the secret alleyway. 

She hadn't kept struggling the whole way, despite Carlos wouldn't stop dragging her.

"Ow! Hey! I can walk myself ya know!" The rebellious tomboy glared towards Carlos. 

"Pipe down, brat!" Buster growled back at her, until they set her down against the wall. 

Just then, a familiar creepy figure stepped out of the shadows and came into view. Kali looked up and gasped. She could not believe that she'd see Cruella again like this. 

The evil witch smirked at the tomboy evilly before patting Buster on the head. "Good job, Lester" she told the street dog. 

"It's Buster" he glared at her. 

"Whatever" Cruella rolled her eyes. 

"Hey, I helped too!" Carlos spoke up in protest. 

"Yes, yes, whatever" Cruella wasn't paying attention to her son. "Now go touch up my roots and fluff up my furs" she ordered. 

Carlos and Buster then left for now, but not before Buster gave Cruella Kali's crystal.  

"What do you want from me, Cruella?" Kali glared at the old hag. 

"Oh, it's quite simple, really..." Cruella said calmly, before suddenly bursting out in infuriation. "Only to get my revenge out of you meddling brat! You ruined everything for me!"

"But after meeting my new associate, Custer, and gaining your magic crystal, you're going to watch your precious puppies and siblings be destroyed once they fall right into my trap" Cruella grinned evilly in the tomboy's face and laughed. 

Kali was then taken to a back room, which she was shocked to find it filled with hundreds of stolen dogs, strays and pets in cages everywhere. She was placed down on the ground tied up, sitting next in between a few cages, then Cruella left the room. 

Kali was still curious to why Cruella would have all these dogs here?

She sighed with her head down but then shoot up once she heard a little voice. 


Kali looked around the room to see if any of the dogs in the cages said something, but she turned to see that a puppy in the cage next to her was the one who had spoke. But this wasn't like any puppy Kali had ever seen before. 

This female puppy looked more like a wolf. A half breed, like Kali's friend Balto. She had white and gray fur with one ear bent. Her eyes were very unique, one was blue and the other was pink. She had a light pink collar, but with no tag.  

"Hello, who are you?" Kali asked this little stray puppy with a smile to show that she was friendly. 

"I'm Storm" The wolf puppy introduced herself. "That's what my friends call me"

"Well, it's nice to meet you Storm. My name is Kali" the adventure girl introduce herself, before asking. "How did you get here?"

Storm's ears then drooped and she lowered her head down in sadness, soon explaining to Kali from the beginning that her parents abandoned her when she was very young. Then just recently, she got separated from her friends and brought here by Cruella, explaining she never had a home before in her life. 

Kali felt sorry for poor Storm. The nine-year-old soon looked away and frowned with her head down and eyes closed. 

"What is it?" Storm looks to her curiously and notices the adventure girl's sad expression. 

"Oh, I was just thinking about my siblings and Lucky" Kali spoke softly, turning to Storm. 

"Who's Lucky?" Storm asked curiously. 

"My puppy, Lucky" Kali explained, and soon told Storm all about Lucky. 

The poor tomboy then started daydreaming of various flashbacks, to the time she first asked her parents for a puppy when she was three. To all the great times she and Lucky had together, like playing in the meadows. 

A familiar song the tomboy had sang since she was three began playing in her head, while wondering if she'd ever see her puppy again.  

A/N: Storm is owned by @nightfurylover25

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