8. What is Man's Best Friend?

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The street pups had led the dalmatian brothers and the twins far down the back alleyways. But they weren't any closer to finding Kali.  

Brock groaned. "Ugh, this isn't working out! We've been searching for hours now!"

"We'll never find her" Ann complained, as the twins felt like giving up. 

Lucky stopped and turned back to his humans with his brother Patch. "How could you even say that?" he looked disappointed at them.  

"Kali didn't give up on us when we were kidnapped by Cruella the first time... and the second!" Patch mentioned. "And what if she was here right now? How do you think she'd feel that you two were giving up?"

The twins looked to each other, knowing that the spotted pups were right and sighed. "Okay..."

"Good" the dalmatian brothers smiled to their humans and continued on. 

"Keep leading, guys" Lucky told Scrappy and Sage. 

"Sheesh, you've been telling us that for hours now" Sage said, getting annoyed. 

"What's so important about this human anyway?" Scrappy asked, since she and her brother were strays, never experiencing having one of their own. 

"Uh, that human's name is Kali. And she just happens to be my human" Lucky told the street pups, looking slightly offended by them.  

The twins and dalmatian brothers then ended up explaining to Scrappy and Sage just how important having a home could be, even mentioning how their parental grandparents adopted a stray mutt named Benji and how another friend of theirs out in the country adopted a stray he ended up naming Scruff. 

Lucky told Scrappy and Sage how much Kali meant to him, saying how she was his whole world while a little song seemed to play for them. 

"Wow..." Scrappy and Sage were amazed and felt sorry for being mean to the gang just cause they were different from them. "We had no idea"

"Yeah, well, now you do" Patch smiled to them. 

"Hey, guys, look what I found!" Brock called out. 

The others came back over to where Brock was and discovered something in the wall. 

"A hidden passageway" said Ann. 

"I never knew that was there" Scrappy seemed a bit puzzled. 

"Me neither" Sage added. 

"Let's go!" Lucky led the others determinedly. 

As the group continued searching for their lost friend, the only thing they could do now was hope. 

103 Dalmatians: Loss of a Friend (An Adventuregirl5 Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now