2. Meeting up with some Old Friends

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The gang arrived at their destination in front of a beautiful looking house. 

The Harpercop siblings and their dalmatians got out of the taxi cab and looked up at the house as they started walking up to the front door. 

A lady inside the house, who was holding a baby in her arms looked out the window to see that there were people approaching her house. 

"Jim Dear? Come on out, we have visitors" The lady told her husband. 

A man, now known as Jim Dear came up to the window with his wife and looked out to see their guest approaching. 

As Kali's gang got closer to the house, they heard the front door open and looked up to see a couple with their infant son come out. A bunch of dogs soon followed, running outside and barking happily to the Harpercop siblings. 

The couple was known to the Harpercop siblings as Jim Dear and Darling Brown, and their infant son, Junior. 

"Well, hello there" Jim smiled and waved, greeting the Harpercop siblings, who were friends of his family. Especially to his dogs. 

The Browns had a beautiful cocker spaniel named Lady, who Jim Dear got for Darling as a Christmas present. Then there was Tramp. He was a scruffy looking silver street mutt who Kali and Lady met one day after they found out Darling was going to have a baby. Tramp was soon excepted into the Brown family after Lady fell in love with him. Lady and Tramp soon had puppies together. A son who heavily resembled Tramp, naming him Scamp. And their three daughters Annette, Collette, and Danielle, who all took after their mother Lady.

There was also the newest dog to the Brown family, a street puppy named Angel. Scamp and the twins met her one day after they ran away from home, and now she was living with the Browns and now had become Scamp's girlfriend. 

"Lady!" Kali beamed, crouching down with her arms open wide for the cocker spaniel to jump into them and be pet by the girl. 

"It's so good to see you again" Lady smiled warmly to Kali and the twins.  

"Yeah" Tramp approached the human kids. "It hasn't been the same without ya"   

"We sure missed you guys" Ann said while she hugged the silver mutt. 

The four dalmatian siblings slowly came over a little shyly to meet the other dogs. They came up to Lady and Tramp's daughters.  

"Hi, my name's Patch" Patch smiled confidently, greeting the three female cocker spaniel puppies. 

"My name's Rolly" The pudgy dalmatian puppy greeted. 

"I'm their little sister, Cadpig!" Cadpig grinned big at the three cocker spaniels while standing next to her brothers. 

"And I'm Lucky" Lucky came up with his siblings and greeted the new dogs. 

"I'm Danielle" the tomboyish puppy with the white collar greeted the dalmatians. 

"I'm Annette" the puppy with the blue collar greeted. 

"And I'm Collette" the puppy with the red collar politely greeted the dalmatian siblings. Being very lady-like just like her mother.   

"Nice to meet you all!" Cadpig beamed excitedly, always being extremely positive that things would work out. 

Cadpig came up and hugged all three cocker spaniel sisters. "We are all going to becoming such great friends!" 

"Oh, brother" Lucky, Rolly and Patch rolled their eyes at their sister. 

"Say, where's Scamp?" Kali asked, looking around and noticing he wasn't here. 

"I told him to be ready before you guys came over" Tramp sighed. "Ugh, that boy"

"I'm sure he and Angel will turn up soon" Ann told Tramp positively.  

"Why don't you all come inside" Darling offered her guests, leading them all inside the Browns house. 

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