9. Finding the Lair and Cruella's Defeat

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Cruella was on the verge of putting her plan into action, about to use Kali's crystal for evil while the adventure girl and Storm watched helplessly. 

All seemed lost, until... 

"Stop right there!" the twins, Patch, Lucky, Scrappy and Sage rushed onto the scene, shocking Cruella and causing for Carlos to scream and cower behind his mother in fear. 

"Kali!" the twins and dalmatian brothers gasped with delight to see her. 

"Storm!" Scrappy and Sage gasped to see the wolf pup who was their friend. 

"Storm?" Lucky, Patch and the twins raised their eyebrows at the street pups. 

"You know her?" Patch asked them. 

"Yes, she's our friend" Scrappy replied. "She went missing awhile back and we've been worried sick"

"I'm so glad you guys are here" Storm smiled to her friends. "I knew you'd come for me"

"It's over Cruella!" Ann glared to the devil woman while Lucky and Patch growled fiercely at her, crouched down low in that position. 

"Not until I get rid of every dog in the world" Cruella explained.  

"What?" the twins only raised their eyebrows, confused. 

Cruella then had to explain her plan to everyone that she was planning on getting rid of all the dogs and other pets in the world and replace them with animals like her ferret Scorch who then appeared on her shoulder. 

"That is the stupidest villain's plan I've ever heard" Kali deadpanned while still tied up.  

"Yeah, what brainless idiot would want that ugly rat?" Brock mocked, referring to Scorch who then hissed towards him. 

"Anyways, you're too late" Cruella grinned evilly at our heroes and raised Kali's crystal up as it began glowing, about to be used for evil. 

The twins and pups narrowed their eyes and ran towards Cruella, but Buster suddenly jumped in front of them, blocking their path. 

"Not so fast!" he growled at them. 

"Buster!?" the twins gasped in slight alarm. 

"We'll take care of him!" Sage told the twins and dalmatian brothers. 

"Are you sure?" Lucky asked, a bit worried. 

"We have nothing like this scrawny bag of bones compared to the goons we chase out of our junkyard every week" Scrappy smirked. 

There was a short scuffle between the humans and dogs until Cruella and Buster overpowered our heroes and threw them back down to the ground.  

"Ha! Ha! Did you honestly think you were going to stop me this time?" Cruella laughed at the twins and pups. 

What the bad guys didn't notice was that Carlos secretly snuck over and freed Kali, Storm, and all the other dogs. 

Storm then ran over, jumped up and snatched Kali's crystal right out of Cruella's hand, surprising the evil witch. The wolf pup then gave the crystal back to Kali as she put it back around her neck. 

Cruella and Buster were then surrounded by the gang and all the dogs. 

"You're finished, Cruella!" Kali glared to her. She then turned around to see her puppy.  

"Lucky!" the tomboy held her arms open for the puppy to jump into. 

"Kali!" Lucky joyful jumped into his owner's arms, licking her face. 

The twins and Patch then came over to the adventure girl as well, all being reunited at last. 


The street dogs had held Cruella and her lackeys there until the authorities arrived to take Cruella back to jail. 

"Memo to myself" Cruella got out her tape recorder while the police took her away. "Never underestimate that meddling brat and her friends... And get a much better hobby" 

The police then loaded Cruella into the car and then drove off. 

Kali looked over to see Buster watching at a distant. She looked to him in a way saying she'd offer him a second chance. But the street dog refused and ran off. Kali smiled softly though, knowing that dog wasn't all bad. Same with Carlos after Kali told him there was good inside him before he left the gang without saying a word. 

Some bad guys who weren't really bad were just plan weird sometimes. 

"Here, sis" Brock gave Kali back her yellow bandanna. 

"My bandanna!" the tomboy gasped with delight, putting it back on over her head. "Thanks, bro"

Storm then came over by Scrappy and Sage, while the twins and dalmatian brothers looked to her with their eyebrows raised. 

"Who is she?" they asked Kali. 

"Oh, this is Storm. My new friend" Kali introduced the gang to the wolf puppy. 

"Hi, everyone" Storm greeted Kali's friends. 

Lucky was soon staring at the wolf pup, not even realizing he was blushing at her. "Uh...." 

Storm noticed Lucky's silliness and just giggled towards him. 

The gang then decided to get out of this creepy place and head back home to their friends. 

103 Dalmatians: Loss of a Friend (An Adventuregirl5 Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now