3. A Simple Walk Down Town

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The puppies were all playing outside in the backyard, getting to know each other while the Harpercop siblings and adult dogs watched them from the porch. 

Kali had told her dalmatians the story of how she first met Lady and the Tramp. Then about the time how the twins had their own little adventure with Lady and Tramp's frisky pup, Scamp.  

"The kids are getting along so nicely" Lady smiled in approval. 

"Yeah, we can see that" Brock added. 

Just then, a Scottish terrier and an old bloodhound came through one of the loose boards in the fence and into the backyard.   

"Uncle Jock! Uncle Trusty!" the cocker spaniel triplets beamed and ran to the older dogs. 

Kali and the twins also smiled as they came over with the others to greet their old friends. Jock and Trusty were very happy to see the Harpercop siblings again, telling them what they've been up to since they left. 

Lucky and his siblings soon slowly came over to meet Jock and Trusty. 

"Oh!" Trusty was the first to notice the dalmatian puppies. "And who are these fine fellows?" 

"We're the 101 dalmatians: Patch, Lucky, Rolly and Cadpig, yours truly" the little female puppy with big ears greeted the two dogs all enthusiastically, which kinda annoyed her brothers. 

"They're our new puppies" Ann told Jock and Trusty as she picked up Cadpig and held her close while the puppy wagged her tail. 

"We're just visiting here with our new owners" Patch added

"Well, it's great to meet you laddies" the Scottish terrier smiled to them.   

Tramp then looked back over to the gate entrance of the backyard and soon sighed. "He should've been back by now"

The silver mutt was referring to his son Scamp. 

"I can go looking for him if you want" Kali offered. 

"Yeah, us too!" Lucky and Patch came to the human girl's side. 

"I'm not sure that's a good idea" Tramp told them.  

"Why not?" Patch asked. 

"There's been a lot of strange things going on around here lately with the dogs" Tramp began explaining. "Stray dogs from off the street are nowhere to be seen. Even the dogs and puppies in the pet stores have been disappearing"

"Hmm, that is strange" Cadpig said, and the twins nodded silently with Rolly in agreement.  

"I just think it's unsafe" Tramp told them in concern.  

"Don't worry, Tramp. You know me" The tomboy said in a bit of an overconfident manner. 

"Yeah" Lucky added in a bit of the same manner as his owner. "She's an adventurer" 

"Well.... Okay" Tramp sighed in defeat. 

"Just be careful" Lady told them. 

"You don't have to worry about us" Kali told the others. "We can take care of ourselves" 

Kali then went out the back gate, leaving the house with Lucky and Patch following her. 


Kali and the dalmatian brothers were walking around down town, looking for Scamp. It was a peaceful day as they passed by a few nice people and their dogs once in awhile. They continued walking, until Lucky and Patch bumped into a young sliver mutt who looked exactly like Tramp as they round the corner when they weren't looking. It was Scamp. 

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