Chapter 31 ~ Rock Slide

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• The Sorceress •

     The rocks above crumbled and came crashing down, smashing the surrounding snakes. Lintu effortlessly dodged the boulders, and laughed when it was over.

     "Is that the best you can do?" She hissed.

     "No, but it worked perfectly as a distraction." Onix called from within the mine. I spun around. We missed our chance...

     "I supposed I'll have to dispose of your friends, then." She sighed and snaked behind me, clawed hand gripping my throat. "I sssseem to remember you caused me some pain, pest!"

     "No!" Marie cried. Onix stood in the shadows, expressions unreadable.

     "I'll be sure to enjoy your demise." Lintu bared her venomous fangs. Suddenly, a white wind blasted her off her feet and she went flying into the rock.

     "Hurry!" Onix shouted. I scrambled to my feet and ran into the cave. Marie ran after me, but tripped on a dead snake.

     "Go!" She screamed, ankle twisted at a horrible angle. She must've broken it. "Run!"

     "Marie!" I extended me hand to call her to me, but Lintu flew in and landed on her foot, trapping her.

     "You won't get rid of me so easily this time!" She snarled, blood trickling from her mouth.

     "Ignis inspiratione-" Onix bumped into my arm, throwing my spell off.

     "Butio!" He pronounces and the entrance to the mine began to collapse.

     "No!" I tried to run out to save Marie, but Onix pulled me away from the flooding rock.

     "Nooo!" Lintu threw herself at us, but the rocks fell in the way and locked her out.


     I got up, bruised from the collapse. Onix extended his hand to help me up, but I faced away and got up on my own. I was furious.

     "What have you done!" I shouted. "Marie is still out there with that thing!"

     "She was as good as dead." He muttered and walked to the wall. A torch covered in webs was propped along. He took it out of the holder and brought it to me. "A little help?"

     "Do it yourself." I snapped.

     Onix started at me with frustration and without looking, waved his hand above the torch and it caught on fire.

     He held the torch up to see better. I looked away. The closest thing I had to a friend is dead...

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