Chapter 18

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I feel two warm arms on my shoulders. I turn around to be greeted by a glowing Phil.

"Babe, we're getting married tomorrow... MARRIED!" He chirps. It only hits me now.. Tomorrow I'll be a wife! I squeal with excitement, grabbing his upper arms and shaking them roughly. He grins and kisses me hard on the lips, just about containing his excitement.

"And my ultrasound is today!" I say, bouncing on the bed.

"And what kind of Father/Husband to be would I be if I didn't take you to dinner tonight and pamper the shit out of you?" He says, standing up on the bed beside me.

"A terrible one!" I wink at him, hugging him tightly.

Dan bursts in, with actual pyjamas on. "Happy Day-Before-Your-Wedding-Day!" He shouts, jumping on the bed with us.

"Guys, careful! The bed might break if you jump too hard!" I scold the boys.

"Or if you hump too hard..." Dan jokes, nudging Phil. He tries not to laugh as a stare at him with my evil eyes. We then all just end up in hysteria, lying on the bed.

"Dan, you do know that you're always a part of our family, and we're always a part of yours." I say, smiling at him.

He sighs and smiles back. "Whatever you say," he groans. He clearly doesn't want to talk about this right now.

"I have to go pick up my suit at the tailor's, so I'll see you guys later, okay?" Dan says, walking out of the room. Phil wraps his warm arms around me, spooning me from behind.

"Don't worry, the next few days are all about us!" He whispers, kissing my neck delicately. Tomorrow I am to be a Lester!


I squeeze into my skinny jeans on my way out of the door. Right now, all I care about is getting the dress I ordered for three days ago that has to be collected today.

I hop out to the car, having only one shoe on. On the way over I quickly slip it on so I can drive to town. I start the ignition of my proudly possessed black Audi and make my way to the shopping centre.


I pop into Ruby Lane's for my dress, that I had made by a personal designer for a surprise. Dan and I have been ignoring each other for the past week and a half, so if I'm going to talk to him tomorrow, I need to look astounding... Which the dressmaker said her dresses were.

"Hello, can I help you?" The cashier says, after I get lost in the small shop.

"Uh, yeah actually. I ordered a dress from here, and it's to be collected today" I smile, trying not to sound snobby.

"Oh, you must be Michaela, right?" She says, ducking behind the counter and pulling out a dress with a white, plastic cover on it.

"Ruby designed that for you. Would you like to try it on?" She smiles, pointing towards the dressing room.

"No, that's fine. I'd like to see it as a surprise for when I get home."

I thank her and hand her the money. I carefully fold the dress in half, placing it in my bag as I walk out of the shop. I look across to the tailors and I see Dan walking out with a suit. We both catch each others eyes and get lost in awkwardness. I look around the giant hallway, trying to find a way to escape the awkwardness. I'm not meant to see him until tomorrow! I quickly walk out to the the the doors, and stop for a second to let the automatic ones open.

"Hi, Michaela" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around to see Dan staring into my eyes, making me want him back so much more. I nod at him awkwardly and turn back around again.

"Cala, why do you want to talk to me tomorrow? Why not now, why don't we go to lunch and talk? I need to talk to you, please! We've spent too long apart-"

"Dan, I'll be ready to talk to you properly tomorrow. I just needed the time apart to consider whether I want to date you again... Or not!" I say, race walking out to the car park, not making eye contact with him. He walks at the same pace behind me, trying to catch up.

"Cala, listen-"

"I'll listen tomorrow!" I giggle and run into my car, That's conveniently parked beside Dan's. (note the sarcasm!)

I hop in a drive as fast as I can away from him. My phone buzzes as I'm on the main road. I hold it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask, concentrating on the road.

"Playing hard to get are we?" I hear Dan's voice say over the phone. I laugh and hang up, just so he knows that I'm not necessarily pissed at him. His voice just wanted to make me kiss him, and his eyes... I was basically Augustus Gloop, drowning in a chocolate river!

He knows I like him-a lot- and I'll take him back as quick as the snap of a finger, but I want him to think differently. But most of all, I want Dan...

In Your Arms - A Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) FanfictionsWhere stories live. Discover now