Chapter 4

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The cool morning air hit her skin abruptly slowly causing an outbreak of goose bumps to appear on her skin. The low mumbles of voices cascaded around her, her mind barely aware of this as she stirred. The strong scent of slow burning wood found its way into her nostrils. Her eyes opened slowly as she took in her surroundings. People. So much people, made their way around, swiftly passing her by. Curiously her eyes met that of the forest where she could see not just the forest, but the beginning of a camp build it's way up.

"Hey." Glenn greeted walking towards his sister handing her a small drinking bottle filled to the brim with water. Groggily, she rubbed at her eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She asked taking notice of the dimly lit fire that flowed only a few feet away from her.

"I knew you were up late, just didn't know how late." She looked around with furrowed eyebrows.

"What's all this?" She questioned.

"Dale has some stuff he found in his RV. Figured we could all use it for something right?"

"Is that a tarp?" She asked as she stood to her feet. The green tarp flowing in the wind noisily. The small amount of blankets that sat within being put together by a woman. The slow makings of a tent making themselves known.

"Yeah, it's all he had. Well he has more but like only five, so yeah. But T says we can sleep in the van if we're not comfortable being outside again. He said you looked paranoid or something." Glenn rambled on. Kira looked at her brother with a furrow of her eyebrows and confusion wrapped around her face.

"T?" She questioned.

"T-Dog. I call him T." Glenn shrugged. With a slight whisper she replied.

"We don't know him, or anyone. Be careful, Glenn, for all we know these people could be murderers."

"He gave us a ride, Kira. He's our friend. Plus he doesn't seem like the type to.. " He trailed off. Quickly, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him where no one could hear their conversation.

"You're loud."

"Sorry. But still these people are our friends now. Plus you weren't so worried when you brought Jacqui into the apartment. Or getting into T's van. So what's the big deal now?" Glenn asked beginning to raise his voice some more. Which earned him a shush from his sister.

"We had to get out of there, we had no other way. And I was in shock, I didn't think about her being a murderer all I thought about was getting home and making sure you were alright." She defended.

"What happened?" He asked looking up at her. She shook her head.

"I don't know exactly."

"Jacqui said I should ask you." Kira looked at her hands for a second. "We should all ask you." This caught her attention. Her head snapped up and she looked at her brother frantically.

"What did she say happened?" Kira asked with wide eyes. Her heart pulsing through her veins.

"Just that, you guys saw one of those things. She said you knew how to handle them." He explained. Kira sighed.

"Who all did she say that to?" 

"Just us who came with T-Dog and some of the other guys around here." Kira sent her brother an agitated look.

"What other guys?" She asked him. Glenn looked over his sister's shoulder and didn't respond. 

"Hey, Kira? Right?" Frozen in her spot as a strange voice called out to her from behind. She took a deep breath before turning around slowly.

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