Chapter 35

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The closer they drove towards the city, the worse the atmosphere felt. It was a change for many. The once clear sunny skies were now coated in dark clouds. The loud sound of chirping and crickets from bugs and birds diminished completely. Not an animal in sight. It was as if they knew to stray away from the city. The hot air that surrounded them earlier in the day was now moist with the stench of blood. And as she stepped out of Daryl's truck, she felt the change in the air immediately. The sky threatened to rain down upon them. The deafening sound of buzzing rang through the air. The stench came after. She took a few steps forward until it hit her like a bullet. When it did, she was hunched over as her stomach pleaded to lurch forward the fish she had eaten before. Gags echoed around the area causing several to stop and turn. Glenn walked to his sister quickly handing her a rag of some sort to cover her mouth. She took it gratefully. He slowly led her forward.

"Come on." Someone urged forward.

"Keep moving everybody stay together." Rick ordered the group. Kira quickened her pace looking around cautiously. Military trucks littered everywhere along with the bodies of those who proudly served their country. Her wide eyes danced around the area in alert. She clung onto her brother tightly as he guided her forward. This was a dead end. She felt it within her, she stopped walking briefly as her attention was set on a swarm of flies buzzing away at a half eaten corpse. Her eyes were wide with alarm.

Coming to a stop, Andrea turned watching as the woman was left behind. Quickly, she caught on to the woman placing a gentle hand on her shoulder causing her to jump in surprise. She nodded her head at the young Korean in concern. She nodded her head in assurance. Together, they walked forward. She turned around taking another glance around for the tenth time noting just how far away their vehicles were now. She hoped they would have enough time to get back before anything happened. The walk was long, way too long for comfort. 

They arrived at the doors and she watched as both Rick and Shane attempted to lift the metal doors open to no avail. Her stomach was doing flip flops at this point. She heard as they banged loudly on the doors causing her to jump in fright. Her anxiety beginning as she hoped no walkers were near to hear them. With each and every bang, her heart sped up faster and faster. Her body began to shake as she looked around the area for anything. Her eyes widened as her breaths came out in small quiet gasps. She turned around quickly glaring at both men.

"Keep quiet!" She hissed jumping after another loud bang. She placed her arms above her head in attempts to catch her breath.

"There's nobody here." T-Dog said quietly observing the young woman. He turned towards the two men who stood watching her as well. 

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick questioned.

"Are we not invited?" John asked quietly in sadness.

"Walkers!" Daryl called loudly. She turned around gasping in fear. She took deep breaths relaxing herself before she was able to put her arms down and reach for her knife. She could hear the terrified screams of Carl and Sophia as they cried in fear. Her eyes shifted down to her hands as they continued to shake, clenched around the handle of a knife. That she could not control. She was terrified, angry, frustrated, and more. "You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl yelled angrily after shooting and nailing a walker in the head with his crossbow. The man stepped forward angrily.

"He made a call." Dale defended.

"It was the wrong damn call!" Daryl screamed in anger coming close to Rick Grimes. Shane stepped forward pushing the man back. Kira watched with wide eyes as he scolded the man like he were a child. 

"Shut up. You hear me? Shut up. Shut Up!" Shane had his chest up against Daryl's in a manner that she knew wasn't about the situation at hand. He was angry with Daryl. He was angry that she had chose to ride with him rather than the police man. She glared at the man and with a shaky step forward, she got in between the men shoving Shane Walsh back. He stopped looking the beautiful woman in the eye before glaring at Daryl once more. He turned his attention back to his best friend. "Rick this is a dead end." He told him.

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