Chapter 47

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Night fell upon the group posted on the highway, the stars reflected off of the woman's weeping eyes. Her sorrow felt throughout the surrounding atmosphere. Atop the RV, where Dale paced back and forth through the night, he watched for a sign. Clicks and clanks following each sound he heard. Inhaling deep breaths to keep calm, he finally broke. Quickly, he stood to his feet briefly stating he would look for the lost girl. Andrea watched him in curiosity before following after for the walk. The night illuminated them as they walked. Crickets chirped before she finally made conversation with the man. 

"So, that hickey on your neck.." She trailed off. He scoffed.

"What 'bout it?" He asked.

"Who gave it to you? I mean I think I know but, can never be too sure." She smirked. He turned and gave her a look telling her to drop the subject. She held her hands up in defense. "I'm just curious. So is everyone else." She spoke as she stepped over a large branch.

"Don't matter." He grumbled out.

"I saw one on uh Kira's neck and it made me think of the one on yours." She spoke cautiously. He scoffed obviously not going to speak on the subject. Andrea already knew the two had hooked up but she wanted to hear it from Daryl himself. "I was wondering if Shane gave it to her." The man stopped in his tracks before turning around and shooting glares at the blonde. 

"They ain't even talkin'" He practically snarled at the mention of the other man's name. Andrea knew that the cop struck a nerve in Daryl as he held a look on his face that was out of pure hatred. She smiled knowing she was getting somewhere.

"You know what they say, angry sex is the best kind." She shrugged her shoulder as she shone her light aimlessly around. This caused Daryl to stop as the events of what had almost happened at the Vato's building the night before. What if she would've wanted Shane and he had cock blocked. She was surely asleep when this happened. She had to have been. Is that why she didn't want to tell anyone? Because she was indeed awake? Is that what they were discussing earlier in the day? Andrea watched as Daryl stood frozen in place a very thoughtful look on his face. It made her wonder. He turned around, something clearly bothering the troubled man. The look on his face told her she had gone too far. Daryl mumbled something incoherently before stomping off in the direction they had come from. 

 Carol's Cherokee slowed to a stop in front of the large farmhouse. Kira's eyes were wide with amazement. Lights illuminated by white curtains in the windows indicated that people were occupying the house. Slowly, Glenn exited the vehicle before opening the backseat door and helping his sister. Together, they walked forward, her arm wrapped around his shoulders and his behind her back for support.

"So do we ring the bell? I mean it looks like people live here." Glenn questioned as they approached the steps. Her stare was focused on the small steps that complemented the architecture of the beautiful farmhouse, as she knew it would be difficult for her to climb.

"We're past this kind of stuff, aren't we? Having to be considerate." T-Dog shook his head. 

"Come on." Kira spoke lowly trudging up the small steps with the help of her brother.

"You close the gate up the road when you drove in?" A woman's voice questioned. As the three of them jumped in surprise, they spotted the same woman from before that had carried Lori away on her horse. 

"Uh, Hi. Yes we closed it. Did the latch and everything. Hello. Nice to see you again. We had met before briefly." Glenn stuttered. Kira's eyes closed as she internally cringed from her brother's awkwardness seeped out into the cool Georgia night air. The woman stood slowly from her chair. 

"Look we came to help. There anything we can do?" T-Dog interrupted Glenn before grunting from the pain in his arm. Her eyes went down to his arm before her eyes widened a bit. "It's not a bite. I, uh, cut myself pretty bad though."

"We'll have it looked at. I'll tell them you're here."

"We have some, uh painkillers and antibiotics. I already gave these two some. If Carl needs any?" Glenn offered. The woman's eyes met Kira's as she looked over her questionably assessing her for injuries. 

"I tripped, landed the wrong way on my ankle. I can barely walk on my own." She explained briefly. The woman nodded as her eyes danced between Kira's face to Glenn's. 

"Come on inside. I'll make you something to eat." The woman opened the door and held it for the three of them.

"Thank you." Kira muttered quietly.

"They're this way." The woman pointed down the hallway before allowing the other's to move ahead of her before they emerged to an open bedroom door. Kira's eyes met with Glenn's before they stepped forward. 

Lying on a large bed, that could only be fit for a queen, lay Carl Grimes, unconscious, pale, and sweaty. The only indication of life within him was the slight rising and falling his chest. Beside him, seated in two chairs, were his parent's as they watched over the young boy in grief. She felt the burning sensation in her eyes and the unsettling feeling set in her stomach. She made eye-contact with her brother once more before he removed his ballcap in respect. She sucked on her bottom lip as thoughts of the laughing little boy she once played tag with rushed through her mind. The pink in his cheeks, now gone replaced by his now sunken in cheekbones. 

"Hey." Glenn greeted as his voice reached barely above a whisper. 

"Hey." Rick returned.

"Um, we're here, okay?" Her brother added.

"Thank you." Lori spoke quietly.

"Whatever you need." This time it was T-Dog who spoke. Kira couldn't bring herself to speak for fear of not trusting her own voice. 

"Come on." The woman whispered as she ushered them out of the room. They followed her back down the hallway to where the kitchen was. Glenn seated his sister in a chair and stood behind her. The woman nodded before turning to a young blonde and calling her over. 

"Beth help her get comfortable, I'm gonna get Patricia." She told her the young girl, she nodded in return and walked over grabbing another chair and a couch pillow before carefully, with the help of Glenn lift Kira's leg atop of it. She winced in pain before the young girl walked off and returned a moment later with a bag of ice and placing it upon her ankle. She turned into a cabinet and grabbed a bandage wrap. 

"We will let it ice for a little bit." She said quietly. 

"Thank you." Kira thanked quietly. The young girl nodded her head. "What happened?" She questioned sadly.

"It was a hunting accident. Our friend, Otis accidentally shot him."

"How the hell you accidentally shoot someone?" T-Dog questioned.

"He only saw the deer. Daddy said the bullet went straight through and hit him." Kira's eyes widened.

"Oh my god." She gasped.

Hello!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I know it's been a while and I hope you're all still there lol.

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