Chapter 45

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Her scream of agony echoed throughout the air as blood lightly dripped down her wrist. The sound of padding feet following after as Glenn ran towards his sister. He knelt down to her size grabbing her arm to see a large gash running down her wrist, her machete not far covered in her blood. He opened his bag, grabbing a piece of fabric before wrapping it tightly around her wrist.

"Are you okay?" He questioned. She looked up as a breath of air escaped her.

"I think I snapped my ankle." Her tone laced in pain. Glenn's attention shifted from her arm then down to her leg which she held tightly to her. He lightly grabbed onto her ankle before she shrieked in pain. He looked up at her before moving her foot around. 

"Stop!" She cried. He let go of her ankle before stepping back. 

"Can you walk?" Daryl questioned. She looked up at him with a glare. 

"No." She shook her head. He let out a grunt before kneeling down beside her brother. He then took her foot in his fingers and moved it around once more. She hissed in pain before he let it go. 

"Ain't snapped. You can walk." He said before standing to his feet and trudging forward before stopping and waiting for the rest of the group to follow. Andrea walked forward holding out her hand as Glenn followed suit, together the two of them helped lift Kira to her feet. Her arm was then wrapped around her brother's shoulders as he supported her. She glared daggers at the back of Daryl's head. What was his problem?  She huffed. 

"You still worrying about it?" Andrea asked Lori Grimes.

"It was a gunshot." The woman replied.

"We all heard it." Daryl added. Lori turned and looked in his direction.

"Why one? Why just one gunshot?"

"Maybe they took down a walker." Daryl suggested. Kira lifted her hand to her forehead as she wiped the sweat from her forehead, her movement catching the redneck's attention. 

"Please don't patronize me. You know Rick wouldn't risk a gunshot to put down one walker. Or Shane. They'd do it quietly." She looked back into the direction they had been walking from.

"Shouldn't they have caught up with us by now?" Carol questioned.

"There's nothing we can do about it anyway can't run around these woods chasing echoes." Daryl responded.

"So what do we do?" Lori asked.

"Same as we've been. Beat the bush for Sophia, work our way back to the highway." 

"I'm sure they'll hook up with us at the RV." Andrea assured. As Daryl began trudging forward again, Andrea stepped back towards Carol. Kira could feel her foot throbbing terribly as she stood. Her head began to spin and she closed her eyes taking deep breaths as she leaned more into her brother. She wanted nothing more than to keep moving so that she could be back in the safety of the RV. "I'm sorry for what you're going through. I know how you feel." Andrea told Carol. Glenn noticing just how much Kira was swaying under his hold, walked her towards a tree where he let her lean against as he dug in his bag before he pulled out water and handed it to her.

"I suppose you do. Thank you. The thought of her out here by herself, it's the not knowing that's killing me. I just keep hoping and praying she doesn't end up like Amy." All heads snapped in Carol's direction as she looked at the woman with wide eyes. A look of realization came across Carol's face and she grabbed for Andrea's hands quickly. "Oh god. That's the worst thing I ever said." Andrea shook her head.

"We're all hoping and praying with you, for what it's worth." Andrea nodded her head as she backed away from the woman. Daryl stepped forward to the both of them.

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