Last night
- recite at tawbah until ayat 91 kot.. Then I stop bcs ngantuk and after isyak I tidur.
- terjaga at 3 and at 4 bcs sejuk
- did coffee je and makan dengan biscuit gula 1 while watching The Good Doctor s2 e3
I tertarik kembali ke medial studies.. Bcs terms medical dalam cerita menarik ah. Aduh.
- again, I rasa sebak ke apa tah bfr keluar rumah
- read sc and nanie told me dia tk faham apa baca geo
- tried not to look at him
- but bila eh ha time I naik tangga tu dia kat bengkel kayu. Lahai
I think dia cut his hair kot tah la.
- I ajak hadid ke tandas bcs my baju got kesan sambal.
I cuci au kat toilet tu and Hadid masuk toilet. Then ada nabilah yan yang 5D tu,ha dia pun tengah cuci baju dia.
Bersih gak la I sental. Then baru sedar yang baju tu dah separuh basah weh. Hahaha aku relax je.
Then I tengok bawah ada farhan au kat dataran. And I jenguk class d, athirah ill ya terkejut I basah centu 😂
I suruh Hadid cover and time tu budak laki kat luar clas..hah I lari masuk dalam
- madam went in and we did Charge of the light brigade.
I tengah buat and girls duduk bersama kat meja.. And I alone au. Pastu I saw hadid was taking dengan Najeeha about lomo cards.
I buat.. Then Hadid came to my place and gave me polaroid gambar we took for majalah
- we talked about apa tah. Then wani came ahha she joined.
Wani sampai je, we talked about studies. She said nak jadi cikgu and tu la I rasa matlamat dia.
Not like me and Hadid, which we have choices nak continue in what. Hadid nak nutritionist or economics
Me lak nak medical or economics.
Aih payah la.
Then wani tanya if result I tk elok for eco I nak apa, I cakap ah nak medical if medical tkleh gak then I tkthu la nak continue apa.
- boys beli nasi lemak and naim, "fatin dorang nak beli nasi lemak tu. Tknk kirim ke"
- still, wani sat with us and we got latihan geo.
So we buat.. But tengok gak answer dia bcs wani got the book
- wani told us she tengok Malicious semalam eh. Horror movie
- we were waiting for recess. Lapar