d-331 - sc, late, fever, plato (i won), checked my old wp acc ')

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-  after update i main phone for an hour.  then i duduk depan kottt

- maghrib and i recited Yunus

- isyak and i ate roti + egg but it was okay la... then after that i terus kena gastric. wuish sakit

- played ml and answered call

- mummy suruh i ambil telekung baru

- i tidur at 1 kot... i layan hadid and tengok yt. 

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ahhh lupa hahah at 2300 kot i baru teringat nak wish najeeha

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ahhh lupa hahah at 2300 kot i baru teringat nak wish najeeha. so i ditched hadid and went to cari our pics. ada gak dalam 5 pics+ i posted. then najeeha acah nak merajuk bcs she was waiting! ahaha she was waiting my wish. ellee

-i slept around 1


- woke up late gila. pastu i nak tunggu waktu syuruk habis so i baring tidur lagi until 845 baru bangun.

solat subuh , dhuha

- adik is having fever

- i keluarkan ayam

- studied sc while on phone until 1130 kot

- masak salted egg chicken and we makan. it was 1215

- 1230 tengok yt jap and then solat

- then i rasa i buka buku balik (???????)  im not sure.. ke tak buka ehh 

- at 1430+ i rasa i baring and watched yt. 

then kawan i called ajak main plato and i tolak bcs memang i tahu i akan kalah . 1st game tu we dah cam "weh aku dah agak daaaah" kitaorang berebut nak beli electricity, harbour, railway, airport. 

1st game dia menang and i said, "if kau menang lagi sekali, aku taknak main dah"

pastu dia cakap i tkde semangat apa  tah. ah tkde tkde dah aku kalah banyak kali kau nak aku semangat camna almaaaak 

- second game i won hahah i won teruk ahhahahaha 

- pastu kawan i gelabah nak pergi toilet.

 i cakap tkyah pastu dia "gila kau takyah" pastu dia leh tahan lagi au pastu dia dah cam gelabahh tkleh tahan then "ehhh dah la kau bye aku nak pergi" time tu memang aku gelak gelak je ah ayhahah 

- i mandi dulu kot baru solat. dari pagi tk mandi

- watched aliff syukri punya holidayy kat london. 

- i did nescafe and then i buka pc.

thinking of typing kat pc today pastu tah camna terbuka lak acc lamaaa. 

soo saya baca la semua cerita..

follow your heart,

i got your back. 

clé de ma vie IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant