d-346 - Aff Suzuki, Kfc dinner

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Last night

- I watched masterchef then solat then terus tengok bola.

- quite lemah gak ah Vietnam goal dulu. Then Malaysia lead.

- I rasa macam nak buat tea but malas so minum air kosong je.

- then I masuk bilik at 2300 centu I fell asleep.


- 620 I solat then solat hajat juga.

- I mandi + washed towel seluar and I nak basuh cadar but esok kot.

Then I cam blur au pasal benda yang I tanya Hadid tu so I terpaksa keluar sebab sabun tkde dalam bilik air so I pakai towel (nasib towel tu besar so cam pakai selimut la 😂)  then I pergi toilet sebelah and took the sabun pastu I tanya mummy.

- basuh baju banyak and and I watched leaving the nest.

- Adik bangun and he played pc then I suruh dia jemur baju but I yang jemur semua 😂

- then I masuk bilik.. Ahhh today I downloaded memrise balik bcs legit I've nothing to do.

- solat then I baring pastu around 1500 centu adik masuk bilik I. We borak pasal vacations yang kitaorag pernah pergi.

Cherating, kemaman, Cameron, rumah rakit, melaka.

- then auntie coway tu datang. She tanya tk pernah memana ke and we said adik nak sunat...

- the auntie salam me and I solat asar... Maghrib. I habiskan masa kat sejadah je. Then at 1900 mummy texted suruh siap.

- we siap and I wore jubah.


- I tk snap pic. But we snapped alot of snapchats

- makan and at 2045 kot we settled and rn kat wellmart.

Follow your heart,
I got your back.

clé de ma vie IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant