◽d-352 - Tealive, Najh, Nabil, Dms

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Last night

- makan.. And terasa macam berbuka bcs dah nak maghrib.

- I nak maghrib and adik said mummy penat bcs masak semua. Pastu from my room, I shouted "mummy penat sebab jaga kau. Mengada" 😂

- after ambil wudhu tu mummy said, "sayu macam ni la sedap. Mm tkthu la sedap sebab dah lama tk makan kangkung ke apa" 🌚ye sedap sebab saya la yang masak.

- then baca surah pastu I baring.. Dah malas tetibe nak solat isyak.

- Thenn hm I tidur awal. 2130 kot.. I baru teringat ahahah I texted Hadid au but she replied lambat pastu yasri texted me. He said dah dapat kerja kat curve. Khamis start.



- solat and then siap bcs mummy nak hantar fadli so I pun nak keluar sama try interview.

- we siap & had a breakfast. I toast breads and I did milk tea.

Fadli macam gelabah bcs dia ada exam so dia makan roti tu tkde air & I bagi la dia air I.

- hantar fadli. Mummy said she baru tinted tingkap. I tried to read his notes. Law ni banyak apa tu... Terms

- pergi petronas bcs mummy nak buang and I masuk mesra

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- pergi petronas bcs mummy nak buang and I masuk mesra. I bought

 I bought

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- then.. We pergi kedai S4 yang aladin tu. Pusing pusing, and we saw barang barang indon.

"es blender"

"susu kental manis"

"minuman penyegar"

😂 We gelak gelak.

- keluar and went to shell and I tengok tealive macam tutup.. But I saw a guy tengah kemas so I panggil mummy.

- we masuk and they guy gave borang. I suruh mummy isi bcs tulisan memang cakar if nervous + dah lama en tk tulis.

Pastu mummy tulis la.. Around 5 minutes + baru supervisor tu datang. He duduk depan I and mummy ada juga. So he bagithu gaji then cuti hari apa, jadual semua.

He tanya if nak start esok ke and I cam "eh tk tk minggu depan kot" but mummy insisted January start. I kennot dah mummy 😂 srsly dah penat duduk rumah. Ya seminggu ni mummy ambil cuti bcs adik sunat and next week kembali bosan balik. So I memang dah prepare la untuk start minggu depan.

Mummy said, "if mummy pergi mana mana kau tkyah ikut" bcs 25th tu fadli punya birthday 😂I cam "kenapa? Mummy nak pergi mana? Makan makan je en? Makan nina tk kisah sangat"

- then we pergi.. Jh. Cari sayur.

- wellmart, we beli pisang. Ah ingat nak pergi nsk but tkthu la mummy.

- then balik.


- i angkat sabun baju tu. 4.7kg

- I tengok ig. Ramai lak yang reply story air heaven tu. Hazrin asked ke mana and I said tkde mana. We borak jap.

- then I makan ice cream oreo tu

- then I makan ice cream oreo tu

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Sekerem mahal

- then I replied to nabil's story

- then I replied to nabil's story

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He thought I alia ahahha

- we borak la pasal license. Thenn I told Naqib suruh cari kerja.

- then.. I makan. Lapar weh.

- solat and then I played ml. Pastu I fried chicken (banyak weh aku makan hm😂) then tengok cerita jangan pandang belakang.

- then I makan ice cream tapi sikit je la &. Tengok Isteri Untuk di jual.

- pastu.. Adik punya tu suddenly berdarahh

- I dmed najh bcs I tengok twtr dia macam penat dah cari kerja. So I suruh la dia try tealive since abang achimal tu cakap ada nak cari orang lagi.

- then I solat asar.

Follow your heart,
I got your back.

clé de ma vie IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant