d-214 - merdeka, Love Love, mental, nasi dewan, drawing again, finally

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- terjaga at 2 am. And susah nak tidur balik. Literally took almost an hour to sleep back.

- srsly I was freezing cold

- mandi and stuff

- did milk


- read sej.. And then I ambil news paper kat gmie. Ada pasal lewandoski

- baca yassin again without yassin aih.. So I read sej

- Khalidah sat beside me. I followed jee and aliya to the toilet and nampak kontijen ketua unit kat depan surau lelaki.

They wore full uniform and I was "dinaa dinaaa"

Ahaha cute me


- and as usual, Najeeha said "tak cair ke" I cam wtf la.

I paling menyampah when I've already said yang benda tu tk betul and they kept saying it dem. Don't make me tawar hati and biarkan kau bercakap tanpa aku bagi reaction do.

- asked jee if my seluar okay or not

- watched the zapin with khalidah

- naik class and read sej.


- read chapter 8 - 9 and right after the bell rang, both Hadid and I tk bangun from our chair.

Syahirah, "weh belajar belajar" while goyang kan my meja. Hahaha nak suruh stop ah tu.

I wanted to finish my last sentence so Hadid.

Then waited for her kat luar.


- tk dapat banyak bola today. Idk la why maybe tempat I duduk tu salah kot. Plus Wednesday I tk datang en.

- check on aliya.. Bcs she sat alone kat penjuru dataran. I asked her if she's fine.

- I sebenarnya memang tengah stress and bila situation itu support my feelings, and that's why I jadi cam tadi

I bengang all of sudden. Bcs the ball datang to my direction but orang tu serve depan sangat so tk dapat nk sambut balik ah.

I served the ball and it went other way and I said "ee korang main la."

But act I nak cakap "bosan la main dengan korang" and terkeluar benda lain.

Then time I ambil bola tu en, I carut "babi bodoh setan" and almost the things I tkpernah carut nak terkeluar. Sial keluar kimk nak keluar gak.

I bagi bola tu and duduk dekat aliya. My breathe dah melalut

Pastu sab tanya I tknak join ke.. Then she sat depan I.

I srs diam.. Bcs if I cakap, I akan marah. And keluar benda tk sepatutnya.

- roziana offered me donut but i said no. Went up to the staff room and bayar yuran

Cikgu were having makan makan. Ada cakes, nasi.

I went to cg and asked her if she dah makan ke belum and she said dah. Pastu dia cakap tengah cari benda.

clé de ma vie IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant