- after type I makan nasi ayam. It was 1830 kot.. Then at 1900 mummy texted me ajak pergi ipc.
- solat and siap. Then went to ipc.
Otw tu, I tanya mummy nak pergi ke graduation, and she said tk. I told her la yang azrol tanya datang ke tidak.
- fadli wore my bracelet and then I lupa apa jadi
- went to ipc.. For Gundam display.
Ada banyak gundams and I tk interested pun
- I teringat that I kena beli buku so I naik popular and kat depan tu "2nd book for rm50"
WEH ada poetry books 😭 aaa nak
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Ada 2.. So. I grab dedua and I headed to buku latihan.
After snap pics then I duduk.. Baca the books.
- mummy gave money so I naik balik and purchase the mrsm maths. It was rm16 💔 for me it's mahal.. Then second most expensive books I've ever bought.
- mummy called me and we pergi toilet. Toilet ipc en cam themed, so mummy was WOW kejap.
- tesco
- they said nk makan madam lim or jom bali but we tk makan situ.. Kings ada buat promotion.. Buy 1 Swiss roll, get 1
But obviously the Swiss rolls tu dah nak expired la tu sebab jual murah.
- we naik buggy to sampai our car park. First time la. 😂