d-256 - sick, cold, 10 days more

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Last night

- we all slept early. Pukul 2100 dah tidur

Actually I was having headache and I tk makan ubat


- woke at 5 and read novel via phone

My head was still hurt

- it was so cold bcs hujan

- ate honey 1 spoon

- had a talk with nanie about soalan bocor negeri selangor and she told me yang time upsr dia pernah reseat paper


- I gotta stand time kat anjung bcs full

While standing, I read the novel


- lupa nak bawa bahan baca for paper 1 so I pinjam aliya punya

- started at 8

- the first paper was okay la. The section b was easy but section a susah sikit.


- Hadid came all the way to my table nak ajak ke tandas.

- I cam nak pergi koperasi but malas so we naik class.

- was reading then cg rosnah masuk au, she called me "ha fatin, tknk gi tandas ke?"

Me, "dah"

Bcs semalam en I keluar time dia and she said I suka keluar last minute.

- ash came to my place and we talk jap

Second paper

- I did from belakang. Novel

- the summary idk why confusing

- then sampai kat soalan abc tu ha lucky gila I tk jawab dari depan dulu bcs kat situ lagi keliru

- I menung gak la bcs tknk bazir masa en

But srsly harini aku jejak je dalam class, dah ada rasa malas nak jawab tu.

- was planning to buy pau with aliya but tk jadi bcs acik sampai

- my stomach hurts gila like tekan nanti sakit. Time keluar class pun jalan dh tk betul


- with ash and we lintas sesama

pastu I tanya, the nun hambar ke and she said yes


- dina tanya if I'm going to study maths balik ni and I said yes sebab dia nak belanja if I dapat D.

- sakit kepala weh

- played phone and then makan nasi goreng mummy masak

I tengok cerita anak langit jap and then solat then I brought maths book ke depan. I did question yang sin kos tan then sudut dongak semua tu

Time tu kepala I sakit and I baring and played ml.

Rasa ngantuk ada and I masuk bilik gentle kepala aku sakit. I baring, it was 1545 and I nak tidur kejap ah then adik tolak tolak my body and you know what, he was asking if I ada glue ke tk but cara dia tu cam rumah dah nak runtuh. Ya Allah mental aku.

After dia keluar kepala aku lagi la sakit. Then I sedar je dah almost 1800. I solat and mandi.

So rn kepala still sakit and I think I have fever.

Follow your heart,
I got your back.

clé de ma vie IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant