◽d-260 - Mcd - Dina - Talks

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Last night,

- I slept early. Dalam 2200 smtg.

And last night tk makan bcs tkde selera


- woke at 8 and solat dhuha

- idk I buat apa lupa.

- but I mandi then buat breakfast.

2 toast 2 sausages

Makan and then baca buku. Today I tengok ke tk eh Aqid? Lupa.

- then at 11 camtu I lepak luar while doing sej.

Gaduh dengan adik lagi. But this time I naik tangan. And he pun naik tangan, but kali ni bonus, dengan kaki pun dia naik sekali.

Ha then fadli datang and dia yang settle adik. Again, saya di backup. Ahaaha

- already siap to jumpa dia (mcd) but hujan so after zohor I gerak.

- I suruh my friend teman me dengan call bcs tkde data en plus sorang jalan kaki.

Then ada dog weh. I cam tkthu nak buat apa then I nak pusing au, I u turn and I pusing balik hadap dog tu then lucky ada car ni pass by and he horn so dog tu lari. Hahaa

But! Dia lari arah aku so I gelabah I seberang jalan.

Srs antara hidup & mati je tadi.

Teringat pulak, time 2016, wedding kakak hannah. Jadi benda sama gak. Haih.

- it was raining so I guna payung.


- basuh tangan and I saw 2 girls (small) sebelah me trying to wash their hands but tk reti nak tekan the water tap

So I tekan kan untuk dorang and that small girl pandai I senyum senyum masa I basuh tangan I. Aw cute

dina was waiting kat tepi cermin tu and dia cakap lama gak ah

- ordered ayam goreng mcd. And I asked for ketchup bcs tkde kat pump tu

- makan while talking about our adik.

Hahaa I told her pasal suhail and she story pasal Ermina.

We both apparently and genuinely dah bosan with our sibling's attitude.

Then we were wondering, "apa do yang boleh buat adik kita ni berubah?"

HAHAHA nampak tk penat dengan perangai tu macam mana. Aih

Then I said "tunggu ah kita kerja ke belajar ke, ha time tu dia akan start appreciate orang sekeliling"  which is true.

I dah kena dengan fadli so I know how it feels being far from siblings.

Talk about her nenek, our grades. Then ha I told her smtg. Which no one knows and she supported me 😭💖 thankyou. I bagithu dia bcs Ik we have the same intrest. And she was excited bila I bagithu.

We check out her ideal camera.

- bought ayam for adik (even  & pies for fadli

- bought myself ice cream then time order banana muffin (MC cafe), I hulur kat akak tu guna tangan kiri bcs makan ice cream and I said sorry

- belakang I en, atok salleh. (mat salleh)

- makan (btw the ice cream today was good)

- balik with payung bcs panas sikit

- we gelak gelak bcs legit we kenyang

Dina, "perut jangan la menonjol sangat" ahahahahha

Then I memula payungkan dia but dia tinggi,

Me, "kau tinggi sangat ah. Egh "

Dina *ambil the payung and payungkan*

Me, "balik ni, mandi-"

Dina, "mandi?" okay I'd stop here bcs secret already ahahha


- sampai after azan asar.

- lepak jap dengan bro and adik kat meja.

- solat

- workout

Ah ya I texted madam today

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Ah ya I texted madam today

Follow your heart,I got your back

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Follow your heart,
I got your back.

clé de ma vie IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant