Chapter 5

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Naja POV

When I woke up, I cooked breakfast and woke Jay up, and Junior stayed sleep.

After we ate I sat on the couch, thinking. Weird things are happening.

I got up and ate some ice cream, and then Junior started crying so I went to get him.

I changed his diaper, and fed him, and he was still crying.

"What's wrong with the baby."i ask. he kept a hurt look on his face, so I took him to Jay.

"Find out what's wrong with yo child."i say, going to the kitchen. "since when did Junior become just my child?"he asked. "figure of speech," I say sitting at the bar stool to finish my ice cream.

He shook his head, and went back to the sofa.

When I was done, I went on the laptop, to check my emails.

Right when I got on, one popped up, I clicked it and started reading.

???: I know who you are, and if I can't have Jay, you or that demon child can't either, wit yo slutty ass

I called Jay over and he read it too.

Us:dis IZ Jay, who da fuck, iz u emailin' get da fuck

???:dis Tina, I ain't kno dat waz u, so srry

Us:we'll nah ya kno sooo, get da fuck

"I have a new song,"Jay stopped in his tracks, handed me, a sleeping Jay, and he ran into our room.

I followed him, and he went in my drawer and got his song book out.

What... I read his songs some times. He wrote so sloppy, sometimes, and this was one of those times.

I sat down on my side of the bed, and watched his hand.

"Done."he said dropping the pen and book. I guess he didn't realize the book was on his leg, and when he jumped up, it feel to the glass floor.

"Shit."he mumbled, picking it up. "language."i say looking at him.

Every time I touched or picked him up,Junior, he cried, ion know what's wrong with him.

"Why you keep crying."i said dropping him on the bed very gently, cause he was still a new born.

Two years later

Junior, was messing with his newborn sister, and Jay was at the studio, while I was cooking dinner.

Txt convo:

Jay:I'm going to the club with the boys


Jay:If you ion want me to go I won't

Me:no it's fine I'm good you can go don't get to drunk


Txt convo over

We all ate dinner, then Jay and Kali, went to sleep.

I watched tv, and ate ice cream, till I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I cooked breakfast. I woke the children up, and they ate then Junior got dressed.

He goes to daycare, today, it was supposed to be Jay taking him this time but he still wasn't home, so I took him.

When we came back, Kali went to sleep, and so did I.

I felt something going into the side of my stomach. It felt so sharp, I yelled for help.

I knew it wasn't gone do shit so why did I.

I tried to get up, but I saw Jay with a knife and It was in my side.

Blood was pouring out, and all of a sudden, everything went black.

In heaven

I opened my eyes, and they took a while to adjust to the bright light.

"Where am I."i yelled out as if some one could hear me.

"Your in heaven."an Angel said. "welcome back, Naja."god said. "why am I here."i asked confused. "Jay stabbed you with a knife, but you have to forgive him. He came home drunk, he didn't know what he was doing."Jesus said.

I sat there, just taking it all in. "Don't cry, my child, it wasn't your fault."god said.

"Am I going back to earth."i asked wiping my red ass eyes.

"Yes you are, but the first thing you must do, when ever you see Jay, is you forgive him."jesus said and with that I was put back on earth.

I looked around, to see Kali sleep, Junior daydreaming, and Jay was crying the hell out of himself.

'Why's he crying when he was the one who did dit' I thought to my self.

"You are arrested, for murdering and taking a life from, Naja McQueen." a police told Jay.

"He didn't take my life."i said trying to sit up.

"But he did try to murder you." said another police. I looked up, at Jay, who was in handcuffs.

They took him away, and I just laid there, crying.

"Mommy, it's okay,"Junior said. "not its not."i mumbled.

"Yes it is okay,"He said again. "okay, fine junior, it's okay."i say throwing my hands in the air.

Kali started crying, so Junior rocked her back to sleep.

"I'm a good brother."Junior told me.

"I see that.... we need to get your father out off jail."i whispered the last part. "huh."jay said. "nothing."i say.

I turned on the tv, and the news came on.

"Twenty three year old Rich Homie Quan, I believe that's his name... he tried to murder his wife, Naja McQueen, by stabbing her. He is suffering five years in jail.."We have more news, after this commercial."she said.

I turned the tv of, and looked at the kids. All we did was stare at each other for a while.

"Daddy's in jail."Junior asked. "yup."i say. "what's jail."junior asked. "it's where you go for doing extremely bad things to a person, or thing,"i explain.

"Have you ever went to jail mommy."he asked. "no, and I hope it stays that way."i say smiling.

A week later

I sent the kids to jays moms house then went to the jail house.

Me and Jay got on the phone, but we were in diff' rooms, and we could still see each other.

"I'm sorry, I was drunk."Jay explained. "yeah I know it was a accident."i say. "you forgive me right."he asked.

"Yup, don't I always. so how's life in the hell hole."i asked. "aigh, it's ight, but ion want to come back."Jay said.

We talked some more, and then some one said, our time was up.

I went to the court house which was on the other side of the jail.

"Hey, id like to pay, money to get some one out of jail."i confirmed.

"Just tell me the name, and we will look em up."the judge said.

"Jay Acquitter."i said. "oh, sorry we can't release him till his five years is up."she said after while.

I went and got in my car, and went to pick the kids up.

"So did they let you get him out."jays mom asked. "nope... we can't real ease him till his five years is up."i mimicked the lady.

We talked some more then I went home with the kids.

I fixed us some ramen noodles for dinner, and then the kids went to sleep.

I watched television, and soon fell asleep too.

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