Chapter 20

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I've been dealing with Marco for about a month now. Going back and fwd with Keydren about those divorce papers. The lawyer was trying to find a way around his signature so I had to wait on that. I wouldn't say me and Marco was in a relationship but we had sex frequently. I knew he wanted me so bad. I felt myself changing. I wasn't so quiet anymore or a pushover. I had been back and fwd over Marco house. This weekend was Keydrens weekend to watch Kensie again so I was at Marcos. I was laying in his bed on my phone.

"Who are you talking to" he asked me.

"Don't start questioning me. I had a problem with that with him ok." I said.

"What are we Asia... You made me dump my girlfriend for you I told you I was falling in love with you. But that's been it we have sex and that's it. I want to take you out."

"How bout you eat me out." I said smiling.

"Don't try to change the subject damn."

"Can I ride yo face this time?" I asked.

I had on one of his t-shirts with some panties on. I looked over and saw him getting hard.

"Man come on" He grabbed my arm and pulled my panties to the side. I sat on his face gently and he begun eating. He gave the best head ever.

When he was done and i came all over his face I kissed him and layed back down.

"So we not having sex?" He asked.

"No, I just wanted to shut you up." I told him

"Asia that's not going to shut me up. Are you my girl or what?? I'm not going to treat you like that nigga did... and when is the divorce going to be finale" he asked annoying me.

"I don't know I'm waiting on my lawyer to get back to me. And yes I'm your girl Marco , okay. Why are you so worried."

"Because Asia I told you I was falling in love with you . I want to make you happy. And I told you about my relationship I don't want to go down that same road" he said

"I wouldn't do that to you baby. We been knowing each other since we was little. I know you. I'm your girl okay and I'm going to rush my lawyer to hurry with the divorce. I want you and I want to focus on you and my baby. I'm sorry about shutting you out. I love you" I told him sitting on his lap playing with his beard.

"I love you to beautiful." He said pulling me into a long passionate kiss.

"Thank you for that." He said

"Your welcome baby. Now where you want to take us?" I asked him.

"Anywhere you want to go. " He said.

"First let me take care of that for you.." I said massaging his hard dick.

He pulled it out for me and I started to suck on it. I started slowly . He held his head back moaning. And I picked up speed. It was so sloppy but he loved it.

"Ughhh Asia Damn." He moaned

After I finished pleasing him we got up and got dressed . I wanted to go somewhere simple nothing to fancy. We decided on the boiling crab .

We sat down at our table and got our order. He was just looking at me smiling.

"What is it? I asked him curious.

"Nothing I'm just glad you letting me take you out. And you look good." He said admiring me.

"Thank you " I said.

The lady brought out our crab legs and shrimp and we started eating. I was actually enjoying myself laughing and talking to him. After a while of eating a girl came over and saw Marco. I guess they was friends or something . They hugged and he introduced me. He told me that he would be back and went over to the table she was at with her friends. He was gone for a good 15 mins I found that shit so disrespectful. He came back and sat down smiling. I rolled my eyes and asked for a to go bag.

" You done eating that fast?" He asked me .

" Yes I'm ready to go." I said .

"Oh alright let me pay real quick." He said

He payed and we was on our way back to his apartment. I didn't say a word.

"You good?" He asked me.


"It don't sound like it what's wrong?"

"Is that What you call a date?" I asked him.

"Yea what you mean I thought we was having a good time." He said

"So you don't find the shit that you've done disrespectful??? Leaving me at that table while you go laugh and smile in a table full of hoes faces??? That's crazy."

"She was just a friend of mines . My homeboy Jay use to go with her."

"Idgaf ! Don't ask me on a date No more I'm not going!" I said pissed.

"Asia come on now... Ok I apologize, I shouldn't of went over there okay . "

"Stop apologizing to me ! " I told him

"Well what do you want? If I tell you im sorry its a problem , if I don't it would probably be a problem." He said.

"You know what , maybe we rushed into this shit, maybe I'm not ready for this!" I said putting my hands up like I was done.

"What you mean? You want to stop talking to me over that? I apologized to you and I meant it. Can you stop having your guard up all the time? I told you I would never do you like he did you having you look stup.... "

I cut him off .


"Chill baby please man "

"DONT TELL ME TO CHILL!!!" I said annoyed

He came up to me trying to hug me and I pushed him back .

"So you really about to fuckin act like this Asia, after I done spilled my heart to you and told you that I didn't want to go thru this shit nomore???"

"Spill your heart??? All you told me was she cheated on You! That's it ! Your probably using me to get over that shit! " I said

"Bro I have been liking you ever since we was little ! I would have never been with her if I had you!! She cheated on me and aborted our baby my first baby I would have had. But that is not the reason I left atlanta. My bestfriend got killed and I couldn't stand to be there anymore. Which is the girl i was talking to todays ex . I'm hurting everyday but I don't show it and you make my day better . Every time I look at you, how is that for spilling my heart out...." He said confessing to me

"Don't.... don't put that pressure on me. It's not my fault you didn't say shit to me when we was little ! And you still could have told me wtf that shit was about instead of having me sit there looking stupid !!! You know what I'm so sick of arguing with niggas !!! "

"Baby I'm not!!! You've been hurt and I've been hurt but your taking it all out on me... we was having a good day . I apologized to you for my fuck up. I mean I don't know .. I'm trying my hardest with you... Why are you pushing me away ??? Every little thing I do you have a problem with it....

"Just leave me alone give me time to think about all of this . " I said

"Okay Asia ima give you your space. I don't want to start off bad. Just let me know when you ready to talk ." He said walking up to me hugging me.

I was so tired of everything that was going on I was just ready to give up.

"Just know I love you . Even if we have to be just friends ." He said .

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