Chapter 28

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Camille woke up and turned over to me.

"Last night was fun ." She said smiling.

"To be honest with you I don't even remember nothing." I confessed.

"We got drunk you came back to my house and we talked some more and we had sex." She said refreshing my memory.

"Damn . I have a bad ass headache too." I told her.

"I got something you can take ." She got up out the bed with her panties on and nothing else.

I can't lie I was staring. Her body was banging. And the man in me hated that I couldn't remember the sex. But that was the only time this would happen.

She walked over and handed me a bc powder.

"Here take this." She said while handing me some water to.

I took the medicine and started to put back on my clothes.

"I have to go. Ima be late for work." I lied to her.

"Will I hear from you again?" She asked me.

"Yea. You will." I said as I walked out her apartment.

I got in my car and put my head into the steering wheel. All I could do was think about Asia. I didn't know what to do at all. I looked at my phone and started reading her messages. I threw my phone down in the console and started my car then drove away.


I was supposed to be going over to Marcos but he never picked up and that wasn't like him. I was worried. I didn't have Kensie she was with her daddy so I decided to drive over the following morning.

I pull up and see him driving up at the same time. He looked over and seen me he didn't smile or anything. Something was wrong. I got out the car and walked over to him .

"Hey baby I've been calling you. You had me worried." I said sounding concerned.

"I'm fine ." He said dryly.

"What's wrong??" I asked

"Nothing is wrong Asia. You can go home I'm fine." He said dry again.

"Something is wrong I can tell it?? You wanted me to come over last night now you've done your own thing and about to start acting funny??" I asked him.

He just walked away from me walking towards his apartment. Wtf .

"Marco ?! Are you serious right now??" I yelled .

"Go home Asia !!" He yelled back .

"No cause I want to know why are you treating me like this ??" I asked

He ignored me again and I followed him inside of his apartment.

"Asia go home . I don't want to be bothered right now !" He yelled.

"Since when do you not want me around?? Huh?? Wtf is going on with you!! Tell me!" I demanded.

"Fine .... I don't want to be together anymore!" He spat .

I just stood there on the verge of tears. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What did I do?? What do you mean? Marco why are you acting like this??" I asked him grabbing his arm.

He snatched it away.

"I can't be with you nomore. Just let me know when my child's doctors Appointment is and I will be there. Asia don't make this hard ." He said .

I couldn't believe what he was saying to me.

"We're supposed to be best friends .... I thought you could tell me anything. I thought we were better than this ?" I said.

"Obviously not." He says walking away to the bathroom.

He started up the shower leaving me standing there. His phone was on the bar and it was going off. I didn't want to do it but I wanted to know what was going on.

I walked over to the bar to grab it. It was text messages from his friends. I guess talking about last night. I read some more and seen one that stood out . His friend was asking him how was she and did he hit ... he said he saw them leaving out together and that's as far as I got until the phone was being snatched out my hand.

My heart dropped.

"Wtf you doing going through my damn phone Asia??? Did you find what you was looking for ?? Huh???"

I never seen this side of him. Tears was forming in my eyes.

"You..... you was with a female last night ???" I asked him .

He ignored me.

"Answer me !!" I yelled.

"Yes !!!! Yes I was!!!! Asia you happy now!" He yelled.

"...why?" I asked crying

"Asia just go !" He yelled .

"Your leaving me ... for someone else? You knew what I went through and now you doing the same thing to me." I cried

"The same thing??? Do I beat your ass??? No! I fucked up but I just can't. I'm not leaving you for no one . I'm going to be by myself!" He said coldly .

I couldn't believe it at all . I just knew I was dreaming .

"Fine. I loved you Marco . Im gone." I said crying grabbing my keys and walking out the door. I couldn't believe this shit.

I was pregnant all alone again . How dumb can I be.

I got in the car crying me eyes out. I couldn't even drive yet. I was so hurt. I grabbed my phone and wanted to block his number but I didn't because we had a baby on the way. I finally drove off .

I hated that I had to be so cold. I just couldn't be with her knowing I cheated on her. I got dressed and sat on the couch. My heart was racing. I didn't know what to do at this point. I shouldn't of went out last night at all.

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