Chapter 1

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As long as you could remember you had been a member of the seventh squad. As a lower seat you'd always looked up to Komamura Sajin. He was someone you strived to be like. Before Aizen's betrayal you often wondered why he hid his face behind that helmet. It was clear that maybe he had some deformity that he was ashamed of, but you never cared. You just wanted to see the face behind the man who inspired you to be greater.

When Ichigo and the other Ryoka breached the soul society it was honestly one of the best days of your life. Although a lot had happened on that day, you recalled that after the encounter, Sajin had stopped hiding his face. And you had been absolutely speechless.

You understood why he must have felt the need to hide all those years, but honestly all you saw was a big cuddly fox.

You remembered distinctively the words that left your mouth when you had seen him. Unfortunately all the reapers that were present remembered to.

"Komamura-taicho is so cute!!" you exclaimed unconsciously. It wasn't until all the reapers in the squad had turn to you in surprise that you realized you had uttered those words aloud.

It was no secret you held a crush for your captain. You were always teased by the other members for it, everyone seemed to know except your clueless captain.

"I appreciate you kind words (Y/N)-san." Komamura's deep voice bellowed as he placed a hand on your shoulder flashing you an adorable smile. You blushed at the little sparkles that seemed to emit from his body. "K-Kawaii!!" Unable to contain yourself blood squirted from your nose profusely as you passed out on the floor.

"(Y-Y/N)!!" the voice of your captain echoed in panic watching your twitching form on the ground.

Iba along with some of the other members just laughed moving over to you. "She's alright captain you just hit her with a sudden attack." Iba conveyed chuckling.

A smile was present on your face as you lay on the floor, blood still running from your nostrils.

"I could die happy right now~"

~Time skip~

After your little incident you were sent to squad four to ensure nothing was wrong with you. You tried convincing Komamura that you were fine but he insisted, you couldn't fight when he wore such a worried expression. You were now making your way back to your squad. You wanted to report to your captain before turning in for the day. You had checked everywhere in the squad but you couldn't find him.

"I wonder where he could be?"

Focusing you tried pinpointing his reiatsu. Feeling the familiar pressure of your captain you shot off into the direction of the Rukongai.

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