You Did Good

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Wynonna bounced her leg up and down nervously as Nicole returned from the canteen with coffees in hand. It had been three hours since they arrived and they hadn't received any news at all, they had asked the nurse behind the front desk numerous times in hopes that their status with the law would give them some leeway but to no avail as the nurse needed some form of ID but of course Wynonna never carried her badge and Nicole had left hers in her jacket pocket. At one point Wynonna had even proposed that they steal a pair of scrubs and sneak in to find some information but of course, Nicole had refused.

The time passed in silence until Wynonna finally spoke up. "You can go home if you want Haught, you've helped heaps already and you look smashed"

"Nah its alright I want to stay, plus I've already texted Nedley to feed the cat so I've got all day" Nicole replied giving Wynonna a small smile which she could only half return. "She's gonna be alright ok, you're her sister Wynonna you know she's strong, stubborn but pretty damn strong," Nicole said comforting the oldest Earp with a hug. 


The voice stunned both women who looked around anxiously for the source.

"Dolls!" Wynonna said jumping off her seat and running to her boss.

"It's Waverly she-shes" Wynonna started but couldn't bring herself to finish

"Hey I know I know it's alright." Dolls said hugging Wynonna firmly. "Listen this is important, both of you need to sit down, ok." He continued motioning back towards the waiting room. 

"When I got back to the station I found there had been an... incident, I found Nedley barely conscious on the floor and two other officers had been locked in the holding cells." Nicole's stomach dropped, she needed to get back to the station to make sure everything was ok, that Nedley was ok, she needed to find out what happened. "As far as I can tell the culprit was someone in custody." 

"Shit," Nicole said jumping up from her chair

"What? What is it?" Wynonna said oblivious to the situation.

"There was only one person arrested and kept in police custody today" Nicole continued

"Nedley told me it was Hardy, that he somehow got hold of a sidearm and threatened to shoot unless someone gave him the keys to his cuffs and to a squad car. I sent Nedley home to rest, but he said something about 'having a cat to feed' and I sent the other two officers back to his house, they said his truck and some belongings were missing so I'm pretty sure he skipped town." Nicole nodded at dolls' briefing and began to pace the room anxiously. "But don't worry we'll find him, I sent Doc to track him down." He finished sitting beside Wynonna, 

"See Haught, Doc will find him right?" Wynonna said her voice wavering ever so slightly.

"Yeah, after all, Doc could find a god damn dildo in a nunnery" Nicole replied, there was a slight silence before the trio fell into a grievous laughter.

"Um excuse me." a somewhat familiar voice echoed as the officers stopped laughing and looked up to see the doctor who had been treating Waverly. Wynonna and Nicole instantly got to their feet whilst waiting for the doctor to continue who directed his attention to Nicole.

"The young woman you brought in," he said,

"Yes, Waverly Earp," Nicole said

"She's my sister," Wynonna cut in

"Yes, she has sustained multiple injuries that are consistent with ongoing abuse however she is stable for the moment." the doctor says.

"How bad are they, the-the injuries I mean," Wynonna said her voice quivering once again.

"well, she has significant contusions and abrasions around her neck, back and face. She also has two broken ribs one of which punctured her lung." The doctor finished.

Nicole felt her chest tighten and her eyes start to water, she had no idea it was that bad. When she had first met Waverly at the station she was like an innocent angel who made her heart soar at even the slightest of glances. When Nicole had finally built the courage to act upon her feelings and walked into that bar with her heart on her sleeve only to see that her love had been taken by a pompous asshole who constantly put his wants before Wayverlys needs. Nicole had never thought that their relationship was this bad. 

"Haught?! Hey, are you coming" Wynonna said snapping Nicole out of her melancholy moment. 

"Wha-Where" Nicole replied

"To see Waverly, the doctor said she's pumped full of drugs but I wanna be there when she wakes up," Wynonna said before noticing the single tear that had fallen from Nicole's downcast eyes. Embarrassed Nicole wiped it away with the back of her hand before taking a breath and regaining her composure. "Hey Nicole," Wynonna said cupping the redheads face in her hands "You did good ok, she's alive." Nicole simply nodded whilst holding back a sob.

They walked in silence down the sterile hallway of rooms following the doctor who eventually stopped and gestured to a room on the corner. They walked into the room cautiously however unable to hold back anymore Wynonna ran to her sister's side whilst Nicole froze, the lump in her throat had returned as she struggled to hold back tears, she barely recognised the woman that lay in the hospital bed wrapped in bandages with wires and tubes going every which way. 

A ringtones piercing sound echoed through the room and Dolls excused himself and left to answer his phone. Nicole walked over to the other side of the bed and sat in the chair opposite to Wynonna, she leant forward and carefully held the younger Earps hand, desperate to feel her touch. She was cold so, so cold once the first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream as Nicole got up and ran out of the room her head spinning and her heart hammering in her chest, she tries to control her breathing but to no avail. She set her arms out in front of her trying to steady herself against the wall before giving up and collapsing into a frail mess on the floor.

Nicole felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Wynonna who sunk down to her knees and embraced the young officer. 

"Ahem," Dolls said clearing his throat in order to get the duos attention. "that was Doc, he tracked Champ to the bus stop just outside of town. He's gone."

Nicole didn't know how to feel, she was angry at the fact that he had escaped the consequences of his actions like he had so many times before but he was gone. Waverly was finally safe. 

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