True Love, How Tragic

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Waverly ran through the small carpark of shorty's and then down the back alleyway. She stopped outside the back door and leaned against the wall to try and catch her breath.

"I thought you weren't gonna show" a harsh voice whispered out of the dark of the alley.

Waverly jumped and turned in the direction of the voice.

"What do you want Bobo" Waverly spat into the darkness. A feral chuckle echoed through the alley as Bobo stepped into the light.

"Clever little sparrow aren't you" He said as she took slow steps towards her as if he was stalking his prey.

Waverly retreated into the wall behind her, "I'm not going to ask again, what do you want." Waverly said as sternly as she could, trying and failing to not let any fear seep into her words. Bobo was now upon her standing mere inches away.

"Ah you see, I just want to know when I can get my ring back" He said clicking his jaw as he placed a hand on the wall next to Waverly's head. As scared and intimidated as she may be a plan formed in Waverly's head and she knew exactly what she needed to do.

"Oh right about that, quiet a funny story actually, you see my dad had the ring but of course Ward is not my real dad but we thought that maybe he had it but we checked ya know six feet under and he didn't. So we went to my Uncles old house, you remember that place right cause you killed him there right, and well it wasn't there either and so now we think my ex boyfriend has it and well it's a bit of a pickle. But you see the only one who can find him is Nicole" Waverly said in a sweet voice

"Don't play games with me little girl" Bobo snarled down at her.

"I'm not. Now if you want your stupid little ring, I need to see Nicole, right now. Take me to her and I can find it" Waverly said firmly.

Bobo's brows furrowed in thought, he was obviously weighing out his options and with a huff he finally replied.

"Follow me."

Waverly followed him back down the alley and to the carpark. He stopped in front of a rusted old car and reached into the backseat and pulled out a length of rope before pushing Waverly's body up against the car and forcing her hands behind her back, Waverly yelped when he tightened the rope around her wrists into a knot. He then covered her eyes with a stained piece of fabric before picking her up and placing her in the trunk.


It felt like they had been driving for hours and a sense of relief washed over Waverly's body as she felt the car come to a stop. The relief was quickly replaced with fear as she heard footsteps in the gravel approaching the trunk.

"Come now" Bobo said as he removed her from the trunk and placed her upright on her feet "time for a lovers reunion" he snarled into her ear. Bobo untied her arms and she rubbed and the burns on her wrist so soothe them, she attempted to lift the blindfold but bobo caught hold of her hand, "Patience" he said as tightened his grip on her wrist and led her toward the desolated cabin.

Waverly stumbled into the doorway and continued to follow bobos lead as she heard the door cringe on its hinges and shut behind her. He led her into the house and through another door which led to a familiar set of stairs. Waverly's heart started beating faster and faster as she heard a bolt slide out of place and another door open. Suddenly, Bobo shoved her hard and she fell down the last few stairs and into the basement.

"I'll leave you two alone" He chuckled as she locked the door behind him.

Waverly lay on the floor winded for a moment until she heard her name.


Waverly bolted upright, tore the blindfold off, and waited for her eyes to adjust to the dim light before she spotted the vibrant red hair hunched over in the corner.

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