Kick your Sorry ass to Fricken Kingdom Come

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Nicole groaned as the car hit another bump in the road causing her body to jolt uncomfortably. Just before they had thrown her in the trunk, they had taken her vest and belt meaning that there was nothing cushioning the now frequent blows. The metal dug into her wrists and she winced as she tried to break free once more, but to no avail.

Nicole felt the car swerve and come to a stop and she thought that maybe just maybe they would free her, but no due to the current reality, she knew they had other plans.

She listened attentively as the boots of the men crunched beneath the ground until she heard them make their way towards the trunk. She squinted as the light from the outside world overwhelmed her and she waited for her eyes to adjust. When they did, she could see three men looking down at her, each of them with a nasty smirk planted on their faces.

The same two Revenants that had thrown her into the trunk leaned in and with an inhumane amount of strength lifted her out without even breaking a sweat. However, before advancing any further they forced Nicole onto her knees and held her in place as she squirmed under their grip, forcing the front half of her body roughly into the car to regain control of Nicole who had continued struggling against the men and her restraints.

"C'mon now, struggling like this aint gonna do you any good." The well dressed one, Sammy, whispered into her ear.

Before she could reply in any way, he pulled another piece of fabric, which she could only assume was a handkerchief and tied it over her eyes, effectively blindfolding her and plunging her yet again into darkness.


The light, although quiet dim, sent spikes of pain through Waverly's eyes and into the back of her head as she groggily awoke from her comatose state. In an attempt to rub her eyes free of the pain she found her hands bound to the arms of the chair she was sitting on. The shock of the situation sent Waverly into a panic as she fought against the ropes holding her down.

"Babygirl" the weak voice interrupted Waverly's frenzy and her attention snapped to its source.

"Wynonna!" She half screamed as she spotted her sister bound upright in the corner with her hands tied to an exposed pipe above her head and her body limp.

"where are we? What happened? How long have we-" Waverly started rambling but stopped when she saw the pool of blood under her sisters feet.

"Wynonna, yo-your bleeding Wynonna, what- how-"

"I'm fine ok, its just a scratch from a piece of glass"

"A scratch doesn't bleed that much and what glass? How did we get here?" Waverly stuttered worry for her sisters wellbeing overwhelming all other emotions.

"You don't remember the accident?"

"The Accident? What ar-" The memories that flooded Waverly's mind and abruptly cut off her use of verbal communication as tears formed and flowed silently down her cheeks. A sudden sense of dread and fear washed over her as she thought about the events to come, she had no doubt that revenants were responsible for their abduction and now that they had the two Earp heirs, god knows what they were going to do to the two sisters.

"Waverly," Wynonna said weekly pulling the young Earp out of her spiralling thoughts.

"I love you so much babygirl, and I'm so sorry that this is happening, I'm so sorry for everything that has happened and I need you to know that you're my favourite person in the whole entire world." Wynona finished her voice breaking into a soft sob as Waverly's own tears continued to fall.

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