Thank You

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Nicole had waited and would wait for as long as she needed for Waverly. It had been two days since the ordeal and Nicole and Wynonna had barely left the small Earps side, the only time away had been spent showering and eating but never together because someone had to be there, by her side. Both Nicole and Wynonna had been thankful for the time off of work that Nedley and Dolls had given them without a second thought.

"Officer Haught, Agent Earp," Came the now familiar voice of Doctor Issac Murphy.

Wynonna raised her head from its position beside Waverly's shoulder but it took a minute for Nicole to react as because of late she had just felt numb.

"I have decided to downgrade Mrs Earp's pain medication, so she will most likely wake up from her current comatose state within the next half hour or so, but just know she will still be in a dazed state." Dr Murphy finished scribbling on his clipboard before nodding to the duo and walking out of the room.

Nicole watched as a nurse came and fiddled with the machines by Waverly's bed until her chest constricted with something she hadn't felt in a long time, she couldn't quite put her finger on it. But as if right on cue she felt the small hand she refused to let go of squeeze slightly and she immediately looked up to see the young Earp's warm brown eyes staring directly at her. Nicole had forgotten to breathe because the knot in her chest swelled out of proportion as she stared at the bedridden girl in front of her.

"Hey." Waverly said groggily and Nicole couldn't help but notice the small smile that had formed on her face as they both watched Wynonna jump 10 feet into the air before showering her younger sister with hugs and kisses.

"Oh baby girl you scared the actual shit out of me! I thought you died and that..."

"-Wynonna" Waverly said cutting off her sister as she began to ramble. "I'm fine." She said squeezing Wynonna's hand reassuringly before turning to face back to Nicole who hadn't taken her eyes off the young Earp and was seemingly frozen in place.

"Hey," Waverly said softly leaning forward in an attempt to caress Nicole's cheek before wincing in pain and resuming her original position. "Nicole" Waverly whispered and at the perception of her name Nicole shook her head as if to clear the thoughts and emotions running rampant within.

"Waves I-I'm so sorry, I knew what he was doing and I just- I just did nothing, and I'm so so sorry times infinity-"

"Its ok" Waverly cut in again, this time ignoring the agonising ache within her chest to lean forward and cup Nicole's face in her hands. "thank you." She finished simply letting her saviours head lean forward so that their foreheads touched in a spark of intimacy that Waverly had thoroughly missed.

"Ehmmm" Wynonna said exaggerating how she cleared her throat. They broke apart and Waverly fell gracefully back into the bed still clutching Nicole's hand and they both shot Wynonna a dirty look, which resulted in her throwing her hands up in a mock surrender and leaving the room after planting a soft kiss on Waverly's forehead.

Nicole admired Waverly as they sat there together. A sudden chill had Waverly shivering and Nicole caught the slight movement and immediately took action by collecting the spare blankets that had been lent to Nicole and Wynonna for the early days when they slept by her side and effectively placed them over the young Earp's small frame.

"Thanks" Waverly sighed pleasantly at the newfound warmth but couldn't shake a feeling that nagged her.

"My pleasure" Nicole replied crossing over the room to take her seat once again by the bedside.

"Wait," Waverly said motioning to the space on the bed beside her. "Please."

Nicole could see the emotions hidden in Waverly's eyes and couldn't help but feel pity for her whilst was still dealing with the guilt buried inside of her for not taking action, deep down Nicole knew that she craved Waverly's touch and only just realised that maybe Waverly felt the same. In doing so Nicole helped Waverly scoot over in the bed, worrying every time the smaller women winced, before finally laying down and cradling the young Earp who had fit perfectly within the nook of Nicole's neck. Waverly felt the nagging feeling completely disappear once she was wrapped in Nicole's arms and she maintained it by snuggling as close as she could chasing the warmness that continued to grow. Nicole comforted Waverly by running her fingers softly through her hair and massaging her head and neck softly as the bruises had formed in all their glory and she could only imagine how much Waverly was hurting.

"Nicole," came Waverly's voice barely above a whisper, she craned her neck to look down at Waverly giving her her full attention.

"Where's Champ." Waverly whispered. Nicole didn't know what to say at first, did Waverly want him back? Is she scared of him? Clearing her racing thoughts Nicole replied in the softest tone she could muster.

"He's gone. Doc said he skipped town and well he could be as far as Australia for all we know." Nicole paused before continuing, "But it's ok, you're safe now" The hand that had been stroking Waverly's hair was now cupped gently around her face. "I'll take care of you, I promise." Nicole exclaimed brushing her thumb over the jagged cut on Waverly's upper lip.

Their eyes met and Nicole could see the glimmer of happiness within Waverly as she felt the young Earp's hand caress the back of her neck and Waverly pulled her forward and into a kiss. It was in that moment, that moment of pure bliss the pair could have sworn time stopped because now they knew. They knew that they were meant to be.




I've done half of my exams and my brain is about to explode and I'm pretty sure I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown but that's fineeeeeeee I'm fineeeeeee.

I am not too proud of this chapter but I hope you all liked it :)

(I'm gonna go wallow in self-pity now)

Byeeeeeeee xxx

Side Note: The video attached to this chapter is fuckin adorable.

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