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The hours had continued to drag on as Nicole went about her shift, she had tried to work extra hard to make up for her being late but had instead fallen flat and found herself in the station's small kitchen brewing her third cup of coffee. She sipped it impatiently waiting for the caffeine to hit and kick her brain into overdrive so that she could actually get some work done, she leaned against the kitchen counter as she took a small break to finish her coffee and her mind absently wondered between thoughts of lost puppies, her taxes and lunch. Her stomach growled as if on cue and she realised that coffee wouldn't solve this problem. Most days she would go out for lunch at the nearby diner with the BBD crew but then remembered that Doc and Dolls had gone out on a mission, but they were always back in time for lunch.

Intrigued as to the situation Nicole paced across the station and entered the closed-off space that BBD had reserved for themselves. She was surprised once again to see that they hadn't returned yet but the office wasn't completely empty as Nicole spotted the young scientist staring intensely into a microscope.

"Hey Jeremy," Nicole said standing opposite his desk her mug of coffee still in her hand.

"Oh, Hey officer Haught" Jeremy replied startled as to Nicole's presence. "What can I do you for" He followed up cringing at the phrase he had just spoken.

Nicole gave off a warm laugh, "Oh nothing just wondering if you've seen Doc and Dolls, They left before I got here and there usually back for lunch,"

"Oh Yea, they left in a real hurry this morning, I'm not sure what they said exactly but they were talking about a revenant caravan park or something, I don't know," Jeremy said slipping off his gloves and placing his science goggles on his forehead.

"Wait, the trailer park. They were talking about the trailer park?" Nicole said worriedly. She knew the trailer park was run by revenants but the small team could never storm in guns blazing cause they were outnumbered 70 to 5, it was a suicide mission.

"Yeah Yeah, that's it." Jeremy nodded in agreement.

"Shit," Nicole said putting her coffee down on the desk, "Jeremy get the comms running"

"Wait, what? Why?" Jeremy said

"Just do it and meet me outside by my cruiser in 5 minutes," Nicole said running out of the BBD office and into her own. She opened her desk draw grabbed her badge and strapped the holstered gun to her side.

She then ran back into BBD and straight to Dolls' desk, where she lifted a pencil holder to reveal a piece of paper with a five number combination written on it. She grabbed the scrap of paper and walked over to the huge safe that sat in the corner of the office, and punched in the numbers on the keypad. The safe cracked open and a mischievous grin grew on her face when she saw its contents, she leaned in and grabbed an extra pistol, a shotgun and a larger utility belt that was filled with extra ammo and supplies. She strapped the belt and shotgun over her shoulder and walked out of the station and to the parking lot where Jeremy was waiting.

"Here take this" Nicole said handing him the pistol she had grabbed.

"Woah no thank you, I failed my firearms test like three times." He said retreating back a step.

"Jeremy for the love of god just take the gun." She said forcefully putting the gun in his hand, before walking to the back of the cruiser and opening the trunk where she collected the two standard-issue bulletproof vests that were stored there for emergencies.

"Here put this on and get in the car," Nicole said shoving the vest into his chest before maneuvering her own on top of her uniform.

"And you take this," He said handing her a small earpiece.

You can never be too safe in these situations she thought to herself. As she closed the trunk, jumped in the cruiser and sped off with lights and sirens blaring.



The screams seemed to come from a million miles away because Waverly could hear them but it was as if she was underwater and the screams got lost in the space between them. She couldn't see. She tried to raise her arm to rub at her eyes but she couldn't move, and in her chest was a pain that was all too familiar, she felt her chest constrict in panic causing the pain to worsen and that pain was the last thing she felt before slipping into unconsciousness.

The car had flipped onto its front and the only thing holding Wynonna and Waverly in place were their seat belts, Wynonna could feel something lodged into her side and when she looked down she could see a shard of glass sticking out of her side.

"Shit" Wynonna mumbled

The SUV pulled up beside the wreck and Wynonna heard the doors open and close. "Double double shit ton of trouble," Wynonna whispered as the gravel crunched underneath the culprits steps. Still holding a hand on her injured side, she used what remained of her strength to reach up into her boot trying desperately to grasp peacemaker, but to no avail.

"Well would ya lookie here boys, we have the heir and her baby sister"

Wynonna turned coming face to face with the glowing revenant eyes staring directly at her with a feral smile.

"Time for some fun" He said reaching in and grabbing a fistful of hair causing Wynonna to scream in protest before slamming her head harshly into the side of the truck forcing her into a state of unconsciousness. 



yay another chapter.... kind of.

if you couldn't tell it was a filler chapter kinda thing but i like the action side of stories so i thought i would add it to ya know spice it up a bit soooo.



Me, The Author. 

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