day eleven | favorite quote(s)

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oof. as a quote collector, i have too many. i'll just do a few of them i guess.

"no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

"sometimes home isn't a place; it's a person."

"some infinities are simply bigger than others."

"i don't want to be just one thing. i want to be brave and selfless and intelligent and honest and kind. i continually struggle with kindness."

"i think i'll put an out of order sticker on my forehead and call it a day."

"i can't get out of bed. the blankets have accepted me as one of their own and if i leave now i might lose their trust."

"sometimes i feel like an iphone without a case. like i know i'm worth a lot, and i have a lot of good functions, but at any time i could just shatter."

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