nueve | words of wisdom

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"anything worth doing is worth doing poorly because doing it poorly is better than not doing it at all." i am a bit of a perfectionist, so i really have to tell myself this, or else i won't do anything at all.

"you are somebody's reason to smile." this gem was on the marquee outside a little shop that puts a new saying up every week. i was having a particularly bad day, and i saw this at the right time.

"help isn't just going to magically appear." unfortunately, this is too true. if you want help, you have to get it yourself. and good lord is it hard.

"just helping one person can help so many others." i have a tendency to try to do all the things for all the people. let me just tell you, it's not effective, and you can't do it all. helping one person, and maybe it's you, can help others when they turn and help someone else and so on.

"next week has been exhausting." i can't disagree.

"loss of control is always the source of fear."

"just because you have their attention doesn't mean you have their respect." read that again. maybe one more time.

"maybe you're trying to be the person we think you are instead of who you really are."

"what if i'm not overthinking this one?"

"if your love is real, it won't go anywhere."

"it all sounds very motivational poster."this one makes me laugh, because i get tired of hearing the same phrases spouted at me all the time, you know?

"when you love someone you open up your heart, when you love someone you make room. if you love someone and you're not afraid to lose them, you probably never loved someone like i do."

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