dos | something about me i'll never forget

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what's something someone told you about yourself that you'll never forget?

anything nice anyone says about me. seriously. i file it all away.

but my most recent favorite was yesterday.

(if you don't care about the story, the very short answer is bold.)

bit of backstory: so, i tried to get a job back in july at the library closest to my house, but for lots of reasons i couldn't be hired. so i volunteer. i'm there so much, the regulars recognize me. anyway the goal is to get a job there when i graduate, and can be legally hired (this whole diploma thing seems a bit too overrated, but i've come this far, so i might as well get one.)

so the library staff sort of make up my little home only a mile or two away from home. they're all older than me, but all different ages, so they all have something special to offer and i love them all.

back to yesterday. my manager called my supervisor into the conference room to talk, and when my supervisor came out she told me my manager asked to see me. now, i have terrible anxiety, so i'm internally freaking out, but i joke about it like i always do (bad idea, i don't recommend it :/ ). i go in the office, conference room, whatever and my manager tells me to sit down. (SO FREAKING OUT AT THIS POINT!) she slides a card across the table and she says, "i forgot to get you some lifesavers (???), but i have this honeybun if you want it?" like i wouldn't. obviously i want a honeybun, haha. she also tells me about the safe word we have now, so if anyone is making me uncomfortable, i can say the word and everyone else will know to help me out. (i'm so glad for it. there's are some creepy people, y'all.)

fast forward to me suddenly remembering about the card at like 10 last night, opening it and crying. yes. i am ridiculous. it was a thank you card for all my volunteering. and the line i'll never forget: "you make our days shine whenever you are here." makes me so indescribably happy. and so glad i didn't open the card in front of anyone. :)

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