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-Kharlia's POV-

The creaks of the attic, and the loud booming radios from below jolted me out of the first night's sleep I've had in weeks. My bruised back ached from laying on my stone-like bed. Slowly, I untangled myself from the sheets, walking across the attic to my armoire, slowly opening the wooden doors. I grabbed a pair of jean booty shorts, and a white shirt that said two words: Never Mind. After getting dressed, and brushing my straight blond hair, I put on my black, thick rimmed nerd glasses, my vision becoming clear.

I rushed down the stairs, tripping and falling in the process, even though there were people around, everyone just laughed, no one helping me up.

"Kharlia, get your stupid slutty ass in this damn kitchen and make me a sandwich!" Some guy yelled.

Oh, wait...That's my soon to be Beta, William. He's seriously annoying, always calling me slut and bitch, when I'm a virgin! If I told him that when he called me a slut, he'd laugh at me for being too much of a coward to lie on my back and spread my legs for a guy.

So I just deal with it.

I ran into the kitchen, setting to work on his turkey sandwich. When I finished, he yanked the sandwich from my hands, sneering at me.

Only thirty more sandwiches, and a hundred more insults to go! My wolf, who I named Pepper, said in a grim voice.

And once again, she was right. After making lunch for each and every teen in my pack, I ran out the house, relying on my wolf speed to run by foot to school. I didn't even break a sweat. Upon arriving, I got pushed and shoved, bitched at and stepped on by my pack. And school hadn't even started.

* * * *

After five excruciating class-worths of abuse, the bell rang, indicating that it was lunch. I waited until everyone had left the class, before I packed my stuff, and shuffled out.

"Halfway through this hell, Khar, just another half to go..." I muttered, looking down. Without looking, I bumped into someone. Shocks tingled through my body, causing pleasure to wrack up my core, and in my chest.

Mate! Pepper yipped in joy.

"You're my mate..." I breathed happily.

I slowly looked up, a smile on my face. My mate was finally here. My prince, who was going to whisk me away from this hell. My prince was...

My Alpha?!

Alpha Gavin's eyes were gold, the color of an Alpha, his eyes raking down my body. A huge emotion of joy was in his wolf eyes. All too soon, it was gone, replaced with anger. Gavin's eyes went back to a dangerous brown. He pinned me to the lockers, growling.

"Ha, I'm almost flattered, but I'm more disgusted that a runt Omega like you would try and claim I'm your mate." Gavin chuckled a grim chuckle, his eyes dangerous.

"B-but, d-didn't you feel it too...the sparks." I grabbed his arm.

Only to receive a stinging slap to the face.

"Don't touch me!" Gavin growled, before lowering his voice. "I don't need a ugly weakling like you as a mate, so, I, Gavin Blood, reject you, Kharlia Rhodes."

My heart shattered. A wracking pain swooped over my body, making it too hard to breathe. I gasped for a breath, my face paling. Gavin smirked in victory.

All the years of abuse tumbled out of me.

"You know what? Fine. I don't care. I don't need this crap. I don't need the bruising, the stupid rock I call a bed. I also don't need you. And if I'm that much of a blemish to this pack, I may just give you your wish, because that's what mates do for each other." I growled, shoving him away.

Kharlia || previously I Don't Want You AnymoreWhere stories live. Discover now