New Mates And An Emergency

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-Kharlia's POV-

Gavin was sitting on the ground next to Ashton, who was playing with his superheroes. Neo looked pissed that Gavin was with Ashton, being the protective father he is. Gavin looked to me, his eyes showing grief, and sorrow.

I sighed. I guess I should talk with Gavin, and not be a bitch. I looked to Neo.

"I'll take him. Do me a favor and go to Yasmina's room for the stuff she got me?" I told Neo.

He growled at Gavin, before nodding at me, and walking off. I walked over to Ashton.

"Ashy, you wanna go to the park and play with the other kids?" I picked him up.

Ashton grinned, nodding his head. "Park! Park!"

I looked to Gavin. He was still sitting on the ground, eyeing the super hero toys on the ground.

"Gavin, will you come too? I could use the help."

Gavin bolted up, a smile on his face. At least I know he's willing to come.


* * * *

At the park, several werewolf kids were playing. Gavin and I sat, eating the subway sandwiches we got on the way. I turned to him.

"Gavin, can we talk?" I asked.

"Go ahead." Gavin hesitated.

"Well, you see...I understand how you feel about...Neo and I," Gavin growled at this. "But you need to realize. I don't want you anymore. I understand that we're mates, and that you may still feel something for me, but I haven't. Not that way, since you rejected me. I've moved on, I've been imprinted on." I said.

Gavin looked at me, his eyes misty. "I...I want to be in your life...I want to be with you, even if just as friends. It doesn't help when you push me away. Sure, certain things get my wolf angry, like finding out you're pregnant, but I don't....I just want you to be happy. Its what mates do."

It stung when Gavin quoted me from the day I was rejected. I looked away. "I do like you Gavin, its just...As a friend. As a brother. I...Its hard to be around you when everything you do or say reminds me of when you rejected me. I...Sometimes I wish it didn't happen, but then I wouldn't have Ashton, or Neo, or the twins."

Gavin eyed my stomach.

"I...I'll accept not having you as a mate...If I can have you as my sister. I...You're my family, you, your kids, hell, even Neo. I just...Need to be around you. Its hard to explain." Gavin said.

I didn't reply, only looked to Ashton. And froze. He stood on the playground, eying a little girl his age, with brown hair and gray eyes. His face showed love. Had he...Had Ashton found his mate?

"Ashton!" I called, getting his attention. "Come here!"

Ashton hesitantly came back, the girl following him with a grin. I looked to the little girl.

"Whose that?" I asked him, my voice happy.

Ashton turned to the girl.

"My Tamara." He said.

The little girl giggled. Gavin and I shared a look.

"What do you mean your Tamara?" I asked him softly.

"She my mate, like you and Daddy!" Ashton announced proudly.

The little girl, Tamara, looked at me, her eyes widening.

"You're mommy's pretty." She stretched the word pretty.

I smiled. "Thank you."

The girl grinned.

"Okay, Ashton, give mommy a hug and you can have ten more minutes to play." I told him.

Ashton hugged me, before running off with Tamara. Gavin and I shared a look.

"I'm calling Neo." I said, pulling out my phone.

Neo picked up on the first ring. "Whats wrong?" He rushed.

I laughed. "Were you expecting the call?"

Neo didn't reply, which meant yes.

"I called, because well...Ashton found his mate."

Neo yelled something incoherent into the phone. I'm guessing he yelled something about Ashton.

"What? I think I'm deaf now." I told him.

I heard a deep breath, before Neo replied in a normal voice. "How do you know?"

"Well, he had that look on his face, and he even knew what a mate is, and last time I checked, I hadn't told him about mates. Did you?"


"Oh...I-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my abdomen. I dropped the phone, gasping, as I pain went up my spine.

"Kharlia, Kharlia whats wrong!" I heard Gavin asking. I doubled over, clutching my stomach. What was happening?

I barely saw Gavin grab the phone, but when he did, he was speaking a mile a minute.

"Yes...I'm taking her in....Meet us there."

The next thing I knew, I was in a hospital bed, tubes connected to me, Gavin, Ashton, the little girl Tamara, and a woman being rushed out of the room. My eyes drooped, and I gave in to sleep.


So...What do you think? She's having pains in her stomach, so what do you think is wrong with her? Could it be something with the babies?

I'm still on the search for a perfect boy name for her boy twin.

I'm thinking on either:

Aiden (Gray as the surname, don't forget)

Drake (Gray)

Dallas (Gray)

Rhiatt (Gray)

Stark (Gray)

Which do you like best? Comment, and whatever one is liked the most will be the baby boy's name, and the second best, will be the middle name.

Kharlia || previously I Don't Want You AnymoreWhere stories live. Discover now