A First Kiss

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-Kharlia's POV-

Neo lead me into a giant house, that was similar to Blood pack's pack house. As soon as I got in the living room, I noticed how large this pack was. There were guys being guys; playing video games, wrestling, and hitting on girls.There were girls, watching some sort of romance movie, blasting the radio, talking makeup, and gossiping. As soon as Neo stepped in the room, they silenced, looking between Neo and I.

"Whose this?" A guy asked with a smirk. Neo growled, his eyes flashing gold.

"Mine!" He growled. I paled. I didn't expect him to be so blunt about what we were. The guys smirked.

"Guess Neo didn't mention how blunt he is about mates. I'm surprised you're his second mate. You're actually really hot...Except for the glasses," One of the guys said.

I looked down. I didn't like the talk about my glasses. "I have to wear them. I don't have contacts, or anything. I had an appointment for that laser eye surgery thing, but I doubt I can get it a bunch of states away."

Before anyone could say anything, Neo spoke up. "This is Kharlia. She's going to be joining our pack."

All of the other wolves nodded. Neo dragged me by the arm to an office, sitting on a leather couch. Neo gave me a sorry look.

"Sorry about announcing that we're...you know, mates to everyone. I just...I don't know, didn't like how they were looking at you. Its a mate thing," Neo said shyly.

I nodded. "Do you...Do you think you could help me schedule the laser eye surgery for here? I can't afford to lose these glasses," I asked.

Neo nodded, before leaning forward, and kissing my cheek.

"Fine then, but you have to promise to be mine. No one else's," He murmured against my cheek. I shivered at his touch.

"I guess..." I said, basking in the shocks from his touch. This is what I wanted.

A good mate.

* * * *

After scheduling my appointment, Neo gave me a tour of the house. He stopped when we reached his office, looking at me shyly through his eyelashes. Pepper wanted me to kiss him when he looked at us like that.

"I'll need to expand the house if I'm going to get you a room. Any preferences?" He asked.

I stared at him blankly. We were mates, why couldn't we just share a room? Not that, we'd be sharing a bed so quickly, but...

I WANT to share a bed with him. I want him to mark us as his, so he can't be like stupid Gavin. Pepper growled in my head.

"Why don't I...Just share a room with you?" I looked away, blushing.

Neo seemed surprised. "O-Okay...Is there anything you need?"

I nodded, showing him what I had packed in my bag. He seemed surprised. "Did you leave all your stuff back at your old pack?"

I shook my head. "This is all I had."

Neo seemed angry, his eyes flashing gold.

"How could they just let you be without clothes and supplies?" He growled at me.

"I...Um...I was an Omega...They didn't give a fuck about me..." I murmured, afraid Neo would hit me.

"Okay, I hate your old pack more every second...I can take you to the mall," Neo offered. I thought on it.

"No, I think I want to wait until after the lasik surgery. I wanna just hang around here until then," I told him.

Neo nodded, seeming happy. Guess he thought I wouldn't stick around.

-Neo's POV-

She's going to stay. I'll finally have my mate. All I wanted to do, was know she'd be with me forever. To kiss her, touch her, marry her. Maybe even have kids with her, if she wanted them. My wolf, all he wanted to do was mark her. And if she was okay with it, I would.

As I lead her back down to the living room, many other wolves would look at her. Most of them were girls, thank god, but the few boys that looked at her were lucky I didn't rip their heads off.

We arrived in the living room, everyone quieting down and nodding in respect. A few guys smirked at me.

Did you fuck her? One male asked.


Because you're going to mark her then? Another boy asked.

NO, I meant as soon as the moon comes up. You know how it works! I snapped. They were really walking on thin ice.

Kharlia smiled weakly at a few of the girls, walking to them.

"Hi, I'm Yasmina," One of the females said.

I walked over to my group of friends, watching Kharlia hit it off with the other girls.

"She seems like she was supposed to be your first mate, instead of Dayla." Jett said.

I growled at the mention of my mate's name. She had the nerve to reject the Alpha. I kicked her out of the pack when I found out she left me for a human.

"Yeah, I'm so lucky my wolf imprinted on her," I muttered, watching her every move.

"Dude, you were never like this with your first one, whats so different about this rogue?" My brother, Erik asked. We were fraternal twins, him having light, almost blond hair, instead of my brown hair.

"This one won't reject me." I said.

"Why, because some guy rejected her, and she doesn't want that again?" Erik continued. I nodded.

"She is pretty hot though, I have to admit," Jett said, staring at Kharlia.

I whipped my head to look at him, growling. Jett held his hands up in surrender, changing his gaze to the fridge.

"Dinner's in a few hours. Be patient," I told him with a laugh.

"Be patient about what?" Kharlia's voice made us all jump.

She was in front of us, her head cocked to the side.

"Nothing really." Erik said. "I'm Erik, Neo's brother."

"I'm Kharlia, but I guess you all know that. Sorry, I need to borrow him for a minute." Kharlia said, grabbing me by the arm, and pulling me away.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Um...How do I put this..." Kharlia twiddled with her thumbs. "Can I...I'm not feeling well...Do you mind if I go lay down?"

I frowned. Why would she need to ask? Was this how it was for her back in her old pack?

"You don't need to ask. But you have to show up for dinner. As soon as night falls, you'll be a part of this pack. I'll take you to the room." I said, sliding my hand in hers.

I lead her upstairs, stopping at the double-doors to my room. I opened it, leading her inside, to the California King-sized bed. She sat down on the bed, I was ready to leave, when she got up, closing the door, and pulling me with her.

"Stay. I'm a little scared. I feel like I shouldn't be here." She said, kicking off her shoes, and pants. She lied down in just her bra and panties, pulling me in too. I kicked off my clothes until I was just in my boxers, before pulling her to my chest. She took off her glasses, and looked at me.

MARK HER. I WANT HER! My wolf growled.

Before I could disobey his wishes, Kharlia pulled her lips to mine, sparks exploding everywhere. She pulled away, flicking off the lamp, before dozing off.

I licked my lips. I hadn't been expecting her to want me, let alone kiss me.

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