Epilogue: A Happily Ever After

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-Gavin's POV-

I groaned, looking in front of me, to see Lavender, soundly asleep. I smiled. Its been a few years since I met Lavender, and it couldn't get better. Though, Lavender was bummed. She's unable to carry children, but I don't care. She thinks I'll leave her, because we can't have pups.

Lilium and Aiden were now turning seven, Ashton being ten. In a way, they were my babies.

-Kharlia's POV-

"Mommy, Mommy, I made a basket!" Aiden stated proudly. I smiled, holding baby Jessamine in my arms.

Its been seven years since Gavin found Lavender as his imprint. Aston is ten, Lilium and Aiden are seven, my second daughter, Lotus, is four, and I have my one year old daughter, Jessamine. Neo had moved us out of the pack house, and into a big six bedroom house, with a pool.

"Mommy! Did you see, I made the basket!" Aiden continued.

I smiled, watching Ashton and the twins play basketball. Lotus was sitting on the ground next to me, drawing pictures of flowers and kittens. Neo was over by the pool, grilling hamburgers. He looked at me, flashing a grin and a wink, before looking back to the food.

Despite how good I have it now, I don't ever forget what that psychic said all those years ago. I can't help but fear for my twins.

"Burgers are ready!" Neo announced, causing Ashton and the twins to run over and take a seat at the picnic table. I grabbed Lotus, balancing her on my hip, and walking her and Jessamine over to the table.

Neo pecked my lips, smiling at baby Jessamine and Lotus. I set them down at the table, smirking at Neo.

"What?" He asked.

I pulled him in, whispering in his ear. "I thought I'd tell you today. I'm pregnant again."

Neo grinned. "What did I do to ever deserve you?"

I shrugged. Oh well, I guess for now I should forget the psychic's words.

The End...For Now.

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